[问题] 在美国网上买的书,到了安达略要加税吗?

Usually not. I bought lots of DVD's and books from Amazon.com (because amazon.ca did not have them or shipping date is too late), and used my visa credit card to pay. The deliver through canada post international, which is pretty fast, and I was never asked to pay any duty or tax for it.
最初由 Diver 发布

前几天在ebay花二十一块买了一个镜子,加上运费才四十一块,结果被收了四十五元杂税!那个seller用的就是UPS,他写了七十五元,真是晕死了。他有近四百个100% postive feedback,我认为他应该是很有经验的,所以就没有特说明。经过几个伊妹儿后我觉得他是一个很诚实的人,就又给他留了个postive feedback,我自认为是一个通情达理的人。
i remember books and DVDs are tax free, both federally and provincially, which means you don't have to pay tax when clearing the customs.