SMNs, try this! Sorry for letting the secret out!


What - "Soloing" BCNM 20 Shooting Fish
Where - Horlais Peak Burning Circle, attached to Yughott Grotto
Why - You get good treasure without having to share!
How - Trade in 20 Beastmen Seals to the NPC in Port Jeuno. Fight the same way you soloed the mini avatars but "easier"

No armor needed, I just bring in Physical Earrings & Hermit's Wand, a Hi ether and some Juice (don't matter what type) Walk up to the right turn, smn Ramuh, use a Yagudo drink followed with an Astral Flow. Creep up to the 3 Pugils and target the middle one when you see it. Keep creeping up and pressing macro for assault, when Ramuh starts to attack, follow and use your 2 hour /pet "Judgment Bolt" <t> (remember there is no "e" in Judg_ment) Now back up a safe distance just in case Ramuh dies and use a Hi-Ether and when your BP is coming close to being ready go close again and use Judgment Bolt again. 2 of the pugils should be dead and the third just about. Have fun with the treasures!

P.S. I've done this like 5 times, all my tries were a success but the last one I died. The reason why I died in the last one is because for some reason they Killed Ramuh like 10 seconds after the first Judgment Bolt and I wasn't far enough away to Resummon in time.
Other times I was able to get 2 Judgment Bolts off and they all died on the second cast.
And the final scenario that happened to me was I got 2 Judgment Bolts off they all died but 1. The final one alive killed ramuh, but i resummoned and attacked with him and Ramuh killed the last one in a few seconds.

P.P.S. If you get aggrod you can kiss your ass goodbye, They all shoot ranged attacks that knock you back like 20 feet when they hit you, it's amazing.

Good Luck!