V valont 新手上路 注册 2005-02-09 消息 2 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-02-09 #1 送两只一岁零三个月大的猫咪兄妹,活泼可爱,健康干净,已注射过疫苗,并都做了绝育手术。附送猫咪的各种所需用品。现寻有爱心、能给猫猫提供健康舒适的生活环境的人士收养。有意者请email至urbs370@yahoo.com 有相片。谢谢!
送两只一岁零三个月大的猫咪兄妹,活泼可爱,健康干净,已注射过疫苗,并都做了绝育手术。附送猫咪的各种所需用品。现寻有爱心、能给猫猫提供健康舒适的生活环境的人士收养。有意者请email至urbs370@yahoo.com 有相片。谢谢!
SpetsNaz Moderator 管理成员 注册 2003-02-08 消息 11,184 荣誉分数 9 声望点数 218 2005-02-12 #2 照片贴上来吧。 毛色? 品种? 还有, 楼上的在MTL吗?
V valont 新手上路 注册 2005-02-09 消息 2 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-02-14 #3 If you are in Montreal and have a comfortable home and good living situation, please contact me directly by email for pics, or don't waste your and my time. Thanks.
If you are in Montreal and have a comfortable home and good living situation, please contact me directly by email for pics, or don't waste your and my time. Thanks.