最初由 小青蛙 发布
哈 说真的 我好几个朋友就是开语言学校和私立COLLEGE的哈。。。。。
在这里 你高中毕业就不用OAC了 除非你想要去所谓的OAC学校学语言那我没话说哈
OAC 不是高中毕业证书,是Ontario Academic Courses. 高中毕业证书是 (Ontario) Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).
修了几个OAC 得并不一定会拿到高中毕业证书.
楼主如果要进入Carleton U 的话,这是要求:
General Requirements:
Senior High School (3 years of study) and Senior High School Graduation Exam
Language Requirements:
A score of 70-90 on the Canadian Academic English Language (CAEL) Assessment or TOEFL with a score of 580 or better (237 or better on the computerized version).
我是这里高中毕业的,所以我会说要求有修过的课程. 但我肯定这要求和对国际学生的要求是有区别的。就拿Carleton 说吧, 如果要进computer science 的话, 如果没有一下修满以下的要求得课程是不能进去的。这个是对Ontario 学生的requirements:
Bachelor of Computer Science
Co-op: Co-operative education is available to eligible applicants with Overall and Prerequisite averages of 75%. Students who are not accepted into Co-op on admission may apply for it during their first year of study. Co-op work terms begin after the first year of study.
Admission Requirements:
OSSD with six Grade 12 U or M(U/C) courses. Grade 12 U English recommended.
Grade 12 U or M(U/C) credits for out-of-class co-op work experience will not be considered as part of the six courses.
Prerequisite Courses: Grade 12 U Advanced Functions and Introductory Calculus and Geometry and Discrete Mathematics
Required Averages:
Overall: 75% (on best six Grade 12 U or M(U/C) courses including prerequisites)
Prerequisite: A minimum of 70% is needed in each prerequisite course. A minimum of Math average 75% is required.
楼主没有高考成绩,不知道有没有关系,所以我建议还是自己找几个想去的学校问问清楚比较好。当然我说的情况只是的大学 - university,象语言学校或者是college 得话我就不太清楚了。