fulpchcl 知名会员 注册 2002-04-04 消息 492 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 128 2002-09-21 #2 最初由 sawol75 发布 一个人 一支烟 一瓶红酒 点击展开... 这是哪儿?
fulpchcl 知名会员 注册 2002-04-04 消息 492 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 128 2002-09-21 #4 最初由 sawol75 发布 from my home. Cheers. 点击展开... 来,再来一杯。 香烟侬自家拿。
fulpchcl 知名会员 注册 2002-04-04 消息 492 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 128 2002-09-21 #6 最初由 fulpchcl 发布 来,再来一杯。 香烟侬自家拿。 点击展开... 想起了有一年在某国一个小城市,过类似的一个节日。 当地人欢天喜地上街游行。 一个人在家把刚买来的毛豆连杆都懒得去,扔进锅里。 来个盐水毛豆。少了yvna少了鸭。
最初由 fulpchcl 发布 来,再来一杯。 香烟侬自家拿。 点击展开... 想起了有一年在某国一个小城市,过类似的一个节日。 当地人欢天喜地上街游行。 一个人在家把刚买来的毛豆连杆都懒得去,扔进锅里。 来个盐水毛豆。少了yvna少了鸭。
Obiwan 开坛元勋 VIP 注册 2002-05-09 消息 9,900 荣誉分数 166 声望点数 223 所在地 Ottawa 2002-09-22 #9 最初由 sawol75 发布 一个人. 一支烟. 一瓶红酒. 一旺明月. 点击展开... Why didn't you come to my house with Sean last night, we had a great time. Welcome next time.
最初由 sawol75 发布 一个人. 一支烟. 一瓶红酒. 一旺明月. 点击展开... Why didn't you come to my house with Sean last night, we had a great time. Welcome next time.
C CFCFAN 重出江湖 注册 2002-01-21 消息 3,183 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2002-09-22 #10 Re: Re: 明月照我心-渥太华的又一个中秋(图) 最初由 Obiwan 发布 Why didn't you come to my house with Sean last night, we had a great time. Welcome next time. 点击展开... 天,这么早就起来啦!
Re: Re: 明月照我心-渥太华的又一个中秋(图) 最初由 Obiwan 发布 Why didn't you come to my house with Sean last night, we had a great time. Welcome next time. 点击展开... 天,这么早就起来啦!
Obiwan 开坛元勋 VIP 注册 2002-05-09 消息 9,900 荣誉分数 166 声望点数 223 所在地 Ottawa 2002-09-22 #11 Sean,we got up at 9;40 am. When can we play tennis again?
C CFCFAN 重出江湖 注册 2002-01-21 消息 3,183 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2002-09-22 #12 最初由 Obiwan 发布 Sean,we got up at 9;40 am. When can we play tennis again? 点击展开... You don't mean today? I rarely play tennis for since the end of August. Just give me a call when you get a time.
最初由 Obiwan 发布 Sean,we got up at 9;40 am. When can we play tennis again? 点击展开... You don't mean today? I rarely play tennis for since the end of August. Just give me a call when you get a time.
Obiwan 开坛元勋 VIP 注册 2002-05-09 消息 9,900 荣誉分数 166 声望点数 223 所在地 Ottawa 2002-09-22 #14 Sawol75, next time come with Sean. Sean, this time don't use the hard balls.