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visiting parents do not count as dependents
They are certainly not your dependents regards to tax.
最初由 Civic 发布

older than 65 and lived in canada for more than 183 days (inclusive) in one calender year, you can claim the caregiver amount (line 315).
Re: Re: 报税时是否可以将来探亲的父母算成dependants?

最初由 fuzzy 发布

older than 65 and lived in canada for more than 183 days (inclusive) in one calender year, you can claim the caregiver amount (line 315).

you are not allowed to claim the caregiver amount (line315) because the dependant must be a resident in Canada not only visiting you.

Please check with General Income Tax and Benefit Guide 2004 on page 35
Re: Re: Re: 报税时是否可以将来探亲的父母算成dependants?

最初由 lotuseater 发布

you are not allowed to claim the caregiver amount (line315) because the dependant must be a resident in Canada not only visiting you.

Please check with General Income Tax and Benefit Guide 2004 on page 35

Well, according "183" rule, they are considered as "deemed resident" after stay in Canada for more than 183 days. Therefore, they do have resident status.
Re: Re: Re: Re: 报税时是否可以将来探亲的父母算成dependants?

最初由 fuzzy 发布

Well, according "183" rule, they are considered as "deemed resident" after stay in Canada for more than 183 days. Therefore, they do have resident status.

My 2 cents:

You can't. Your parents can't earn money as visitors. The caregiver has to file tax returns as well. How can a visitor file a tax return?
Copied from CRA website.

Are you eligible for the caregiver amount?
If, at any time of the year, you (either alone or with another person) maintained a dwelling where you and an eligible dependant lived, you may be able to claim this amount. The dependant must have been one of the following individuals:

your or your spouse or common-law partner's child or grandchild; or
your or your spouse or common-law partner's brother, sister, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, parent, or grandparent who was resident in Canada.
In addition, your dependant must have met all of the following conditions. The person must have:

been 18 or over at the time he or she lived with you;
had a net income of less than $16,705 (line 236 of his or her return, or what line 236 would be if he or she filed a return); and
been dependent on you due to mental or physical infirmity or, if he or she is your or your spouse or common-law partner's parent or grandparent, born in 1939 or earlier.
You cannot claim this amount for a person who was only visiting you.

If you were required to make support payments for a child, you cannot claim an amount on line 315 for that child. However, if you were separated from your spouse or common-law partner for only part of 2004 due to a breakdown in your relationship, you can still claim an amount for that child on line 315 (plus any allowable amounts on line 305 and line 318) as long as you do not claim any support amounts paid to your spouse or common-law partner on line 220. You may claim whichever is better for you.
what software do you guys use to do tax?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 报税时是否可以将来探亲的父母算成dependants?

183天以上,Visitor,65以上可以算你的Dependant,Claim Caregiver

老人是Visitor Visa,也可以保税,一般可以退200块。


最初由 zhoutie 发布

My 2 cents:

You can't. Your parents can't earn money as visitors. The caregiver has to file tax returns as well. How can a visitor file a tax return?



最初由 lotuseater 发布





Have you claimed the caregiver before? Or, just made some phone call? If you did not go through this yourself, how do you so certain that we are giving wrong suggestion. I claimed this several years in a row now. Every year has been reviewed, and never had any problem. Only one year CCRA refused my claim after review. However, I won the appeal. It is true that many CCRA employee do not know this. That only means CCRA did not educate their employee enough. Try to talk to their manager. At that level, you will pretty much get a certain answer.

One suggestion to you: If you had similar situation, instead of accusing other people here, you should file a tax modification to get your money back. Just like you said 是你的利益千万别放弃.