Baby is 4 month old as well, and he always wakes up one or two times every night. I feed him and he goes back to sleep.
1. I found that bath helps him have a long stretch sleep during night
2. don't let him lave too long naptime during the day ( two naps: one hour in the morning, 2 hours in the afternoon).
Hope these tips helps.
There is a very good book you can read to help you regulate your baby's sleep:
我也来推荐一本书, “The No-cry Sleep Solution ?Gentle ways to help your baby sleep through the night”, 作者Elizabeth Pantley. 读了后, 对我有不少启发帮助. 摘抄几个idea如下:
-Develop a bedtime routine. Giving baby a warm, calm bath, masssaging, reading books, playing soft music, rocking, breastfeeding…
-Establish an early bedtime. For babies, early to bed does not mean early to rise!
-Have your baby take regular naps.
-Make night sleeping different from daytime naps