In Canada, it is done by the City or Municipal Government with funding from Local, Provincial and Federal governments.
Call 613 560-6000, if you are in Ottawa.
If you are not receiving financial assistance, read on to find out about the application process.
First Steps
Call 613 560-6000. The staff will ask for information such as your address, rent or shelter costs, income including support payments, loans and insurance, total bank balance, and the identity of family members.
Be prepared to provide identification, social insurance numbers and health-card numbers for yourself and members of your family.
Attend an information session as explained over the phone.
Attend a verification meeting after the information session. Here, you will sign several forms including:
an application for assistance,
an Ontario Works participation agreement,
a consent to disclose and verify information, and
a rights and responsibilities agreement.
Next, provide proof of your rent or shelter costs, show current bank statement(s), and state earnings and assets for all family members.
If you are in an emergency situation, you may not have to wait to receive assistance. Explain your crisis during your call.