CBC 广播 -- 30年代白女人进监狱因为。。。


having a relationship with a chinese man.
CBC 91.5FM


Apology for woman jailed over Chinese boyfriend
Last Updated Tue, 07 Jan 2003 19:49:56 EST
CBC News
TORONTO - An Ontario woman who was jailed in 1939 for living with her Chinese boyfriend has received an apology from the provincial government.

FROM OCT. 9, 2002 Ontario wants to settle 60-year-old wrong

Velma Demerson, 82, says the apology is a good first step, but she still wants financial compensation.

She was eating breakfast with her boyfriend Harry Yip in May 1939 when two police officers came and took her into custody.

Jailed 10 months

Demerson, who was pregnant at the time, was charged under the Female Refuges Act of 1897 for about 10 months.

Her son was born in prison and later taken from her.

The act, which was repealed in 1964, allowed authorities to jail women between the ages of 16 and 35 for behaviour such as promiscuity, pregnancy out of wedlock and public drunkenness.

Ontario government officials refused to discuss the letter, saying the province is negotiating with Demerson.

She says she also wants an apology for other women who went through a similar experience.
楼主,你在暗示60多年前,那个白人妇女进监狱是因为她的男朋友是中国人。但从上下文来看,她进监狱是因为pregnancy out of wedlock,按当时的法律,是要进监狱的,这与她的男朋友是什么种族,没什么关系。当然,现在来看,这个法律很愚昧无耻。

"The act, which was repealed in 1964, allowed authorities to jail women between the ages of 16 and 35 for behaviour such as promiscuity, pregnancy out of wedlock and public drunkenness."

Velma Demerson

$19.95 Paper, 184 pp.
ISBN: 0-88920-444-6
Publication Date: December 2004

Subjects: Biography/memoir, Women's studies, Social justice, Social policy
Series: Life Writing



On a May morning in 1939, eighteen-year-old Velma Demerson and her lover were having breakfast when two police officers arrived to take her away. Her crime was loving a Chinese man, a “crime” that was compounded by her pregnancy and subsequent mixed-race child. Sentenced to a home for wayward girls, Demerson was then transferred (along with forty-six other girls) to Torontos Mercer Reformatory for Females. The girls were locked in their cells for twelve hours a day and required to work in the on-site laundry and factory. They also endured suspect medical examinations. When Demerson was finally released after ten months' incarceration weeks of solitary confinement, abusive medical treatments, and the state's apprehension of her child, her marriage to her lover resulted in the loss of her citizenship status.

This is the story of how Demerson, and so many other girls, were treated as criminals or mentally defective individuals, even though their worst crime might have been only their choice of lover. Incorrigible is a survivor's narrative. In a period that saw the rise of psychiatry, legislation against interracial marriage, and a populist movement that believed in eradicating disease and sin by improving the purity of Anglo-Saxon stock, Velma Demerson, like many young women, found herself confronted by powerful social forces. This is a history of some of those who fell through the cracks of the criminal code, told in a powerful first-person voice.

About the Author

Velma Demerson is a widow, and mother of three children―the first child, the son of her interracial marriage, died at age twenty-six. She has worked throughout her life in a variety of positions, mostly as a secretary for governments (provincial and federal) and lawyers. She is self-educated. This is her first book.
by the way, she said she actually got some compensation, just enough for several trips. But she cannot send the government to the court due to some law passed in 80s'
The police officers were led to her place by her father.

And after she was released, she married with father of the baby.
最初由 Philips 发布
The police officers were led to her place by her father.

And after she was released, she married with father of the baby.

But she eventually divorced and the baby was no more. And she remarry and have two children.