class action for sponsoring our aged parents


Minutes of the meeting with the representatives of the Conservative Party of Canada held on February 20, 2005.

Sponsor Your Parents group.

Attendance: 85 people.


1. Report about Meeting with Mr. Harper, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada & Leader of the Official Opposition in the House of Commons and Ms.Diane Ablonczy Senior Opposition Critic for Citizenship & Immigration, held on February 18, 2005.

Mr. Harper and Ms. Ablonczy are aware of our problem unlike Mr. Volpe, Minister of Citizenship & Immigration.

Ms. Ablonczy had private conversation with members of our group.

She agreed that it is unfair to take money from people without providing services. It is unfair when people have to wait many years before reuniting with parents and grandparents.

Ms. Ablonczy is going to discuss our issues during her next meeting with Mr. Volpe.

We gave Ms. Ablonczy a copy of the letter that we had sent Mr. Volpe? secretary Ms. Lise St. Amand on February 6, 2005.

We showed Ms. Ablonczy our website.

Ms Ablonczy asked us to send her a letter with our concerns.

2. Summation of our concerns and submission them to Ms. Ablonczy.

Letter will be prepared according to the people proposals that were given during the meeting, and will be sent to every member of our group before submitting to Ms. Ablonczy

Member of Conservative party will pass our letter to Ms. Ablonczy personally.

3. Discussing possibilities of launching a Class action lawsuit against the Canadian Government.

Vitalina will contact attorney Mr. Kurland

4. Preparation for the demonstration in support of parental sponsorship in front of Mr. Volpe office in Toronto.

We are going to:

Organize demonstration in front of Mr. Volpe office in the middle of March (on the day Mr. Volpe will be in the office).

Launch campaign to involve in demonstration as many people as possible (advertising in community papers, TV, websites, forums e.t.c.).

Prepare slogans.

Members of Conservative party will help to obtain permission and provide security for the demonstration.
Meeting with MP in Markham

Forwarding from Jian Liu

>I just had a meeeting with my MP Lui Telmelkovski to
>submit my petition. He is quite interesting of our
>group because he is a member of the Immigration
>Committee. It seems he is aware the siutation. He
>encouraged us to provide the solution and present to
>the hearing on April. He want us to register the
>hearing that I believe we have already done. He will
>bring my petition to House of Commons. And he mention
>for all immigrant classes there are about 700,000
>backlog and the quota per year is only 240,000. One
>thing he realy suggested us is to have one big
>petition(most people signed) with only one MP instead
>of many small petitions with many MPs. He said it was
>not efficient for many many small petitions.
>Here are the problem and solution I tried to present
>to him:(not all have been presented to him due to
>time limit)
>-The quotas for parents class has been drastically
>reduced without public notice for real reason.
>-Most of the parents have retirement income from the
>home country and they also will bring their saving to
>Canada, and I think that will definetly help Canadian
>-Lots of culture in different countries consider
>parents/grant parents as whole family
>-Parents provide some real services such as child
>and home care that free working age Canadians to go
>work and be more productive.
>-Parents need a place to live. Renting or buying home
>supports Canadian economy.
>-Parents buy goods and services, which contributes
>sale taxes.
>-We all sign an agreement with Canadian Government to
>support our parents for 10 years.
>-Some parents are still young and can find jobs after
>landing, if they have to wait 7-10 years before
>landing, they will be old enough.
>Solution would be:
>1)increase family quotas to clear backlog and to
>hugh impact because of drastically reducing.
>2)publish EXACT process time and how many person in
>line per month. This at least gives some applicants a
>hope to know how many months/years need to be passed
>before they can come to Canada.
>3)Publish the estimate prolong time on CIC website to
>decrease number of new application
>4)Investigate and research the statistic data for how
>much it really cost for Canadian government to
>health care per person for parents.
>PS. only myself attended the meeting with Lui. My
>is Jian Liu (Ying Sun's husband).
Meeting with MP in Thornhill

Forwarding from Regina:

Hello everybody,

Me and Galina Vogman met with Thornhill's MP Mrs. Susan Kadis and her senior assistant yesterday. The meeting was very productive and positive.
I would like to assure you that we presented all concerns that you brought to my attention in private conversations or by e-mail.

We were very consistent and assertive while presenting our petition and supporting material and I think, it impressed Mrs Kadis.
She was very sympathetic to our movement objectives and promised to help.
She is going to talk to Minister of Immigration Mr. Volpe on following week. Mrs.Kadis also will discuss parental sponsorship with Toronto Caucus. She would like to read our Petition in House of Commons. The assistant will keep us informed about the progress.
I would like to thank everybody who made a contribution to collecting signatures and information and creators of our wonderful web site, which is very helpful.

Please, feel free to contact me, if you have any questions.


Regina Shamrakov
register for the Public Hearing in Toronto ? Family Reunification Issues

Dear Jane He and Tao Lu:

* We will require your addresses, your phone numbers, your fax numbers
(if applicable) and if appearing for an Association or an individuals.

Lists of organizations and individuals who have requested an appearance
will then be studied by the Committee Members and a selection of
witnesses will be made by the Members March 9, 2005. Should you be selected
to appear by the committee, please forward your brief to the Committee
at least 7 working days prior to the date of appearance. Should you not
wish to appear but would like to make a written representation to the
Committee, please forward it to the committee no later than March 15th

Denyse Croteau
CIMM - Committee on Citizenship and Immigration / Comit?sur la
citoyennet?et l'immigration Room /Pi桡e 670-A, 殇ifice Wellington Building
House of Commons/Chambre des communes (947-6846)

-----Original Message-----
From: jianying he []
Sent: February 20, 2005 8:24 PM
To: ~Citizenship & Immigration/Citoyennet?et immigration
Subject: register for the Public Hearing in Toronto ? Family
Reunification Issues

Dear Clerk of the committee,

We want to register for the Public Hearing in Toronto ? Family
Reunification Issues on April 13 and 14. our name are Jane He and Tao Lu
4164942842.We want to be present at the hearing.

