Minutes of the meeting with the representatives of the Conservative Party of Canada held on February 20, 2005.
Sponsor Your Parents group.
Attendance: 85 people.
1. Report about Meeting with Mr. Harper, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada & Leader of the Official Opposition in the House of Commons and Ms.Diane Ablonczy Senior Opposition Critic for Citizenship & Immigration, held on February 18, 2005.
Mr. Harper and Ms. Ablonczy are aware of our problem unlike Mr. Volpe, Minister of Citizenship & Immigration.
Ms. Ablonczy had private conversation with members of our group.
She agreed that it is unfair to take money from people without providing services. It is unfair when people have to wait many years before reuniting with parents and grandparents.
Ms. Ablonczy is going to discuss our issues during her next meeting with Mr. Volpe.
We gave Ms. Ablonczy a copy of the letter that we had sent Mr. Volpe? secretary Ms. Lise St. Amand on February 6, 2005.
We showed Ms. Ablonczy our website.
Ms Ablonczy asked us to send her a letter with our concerns.
2. Summation of our concerns and submission them to Ms. Ablonczy.
Letter will be prepared according to the people proposals that were given during the meeting, and will be sent to every member of our group before submitting to Ms. Ablonczy
Member of Conservative party will pass our letter to Ms. Ablonczy personally.
3. Discussing possibilities of launching a Class action lawsuit against the Canadian Government.
Vitalina will contact attorney Mr. Kurland
4. Preparation for the demonstration in support of parental sponsorship in front of Mr. Volpe office in Toronto.
We are going to:
Organize demonstration in front of Mr. Volpe office in the middle of March (on the day Mr. Volpe will be in the office).
Launch campaign to involve in demonstration as many people as possible (advertising in community papers, TV, websites, forums e.t.c.).
Prepare slogans.
Members of Conservative party will help to obtain permission and provide security for the demonstration.
Sponsor Your Parents group.
Attendance: 85 people.
1. Report about Meeting with Mr. Harper, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada & Leader of the Official Opposition in the House of Commons and Ms.Diane Ablonczy Senior Opposition Critic for Citizenship & Immigration, held on February 18, 2005.
Mr. Harper and Ms. Ablonczy are aware of our problem unlike Mr. Volpe, Minister of Citizenship & Immigration.
Ms. Ablonczy had private conversation with members of our group.
She agreed that it is unfair to take money from people without providing services. It is unfair when people have to wait many years before reuniting with parents and grandparents.
Ms. Ablonczy is going to discuss our issues during her next meeting with Mr. Volpe.
We gave Ms. Ablonczy a copy of the letter that we had sent Mr. Volpe? secretary Ms. Lise St. Amand on February 6, 2005.
We showed Ms. Ablonczy our website.
Ms Ablonczy asked us to send her a letter with our concerns.
2. Summation of our concerns and submission them to Ms. Ablonczy.
Letter will be prepared according to the people proposals that were given during the meeting, and will be sent to every member of our group before submitting to Ms. Ablonczy
Member of Conservative party will pass our letter to Ms. Ablonczy personally.
3. Discussing possibilities of launching a Class action lawsuit against the Canadian Government.
Vitalina will contact attorney Mr. Kurland
4. Preparation for the demonstration in support of parental sponsorship in front of Mr. Volpe office in Toronto.
We are going to:
Organize demonstration in front of Mr. Volpe office in the middle of March (on the day Mr. Volpe will be in the office).
Launch campaign to involve in demonstration as many people as possible (advertising in community papers, TV, websites, forums e.t.c.).
Prepare slogans.
Members of Conservative party will help to obtain permission and provide security for the demonstration.