[问题] 狗狗咬东西

~Secret Garden~



还有怎么训练她在家里的training pad上面小便呢?我放在家里很多,但是她不去啊。味道都除了的。
带嘴套狗狗很难受的... 朋友家的狗因为总叫就该她带嘴套. 结果带到后来, 狗狗为了不带嘴套而把自己的嘴抓烂了... :(
How old is your dog? And what breed? Some breeds are harder to train than others.

Perhaps crate training your dog would be better. When used correctly, a crate could be a dog's safe haven. There are plenty of info online regarding crate training, google ba.

Puppies chew, that's what they do, accept it. If you want to teach your dog to not chew, you need to CONSISTENTLY discipline him, NO EXCEPTIONS! Make a weird sound to attract his attention, tell him "no chewing" using a low-authoritative voice but no yelling or screaming, then give him a chew toy, and when he does chew his chew toy, give him a lot of praise like "good chewing <<dog's name>>, good chewing!"

Paper training takes time too. You can get a spray that simulates other dogs' urine smell, so when your dog smells that, he'll pee naturally on that spot. I use it to train my little Diego, it does work 90% of the time (he's only 7 weeks old), but I still need to watch him closely as he is too young to be completely trusted. Make sure to give him A LOT OF praises when he does pee on the right spot, make a BIG DEAL, using a high-pitched voice. That being said, taking the dog outside to pee and poop is still preferred over paper training. After only one week of active training, my little Diego now wiggles his little tail in front of my patio door when he wants to go out to pee or to poop. :p

Good luck!
最初由 渐渐 发布
How old is your dog? And what breed? Some breeds are harder to train than others.

Perhaps crate training your dog would be better. When used correctly, a crate could be a dog's safe haven. There are plenty of info online regarding crate training, google ba.

Puppies chew, that's what they do, accept it. If you want to teach your dog to not chew, you need to CONSISTENTLY discipline him, NO EXCEPTIONS! Make a weird sound to attract his attention, tell him "no chewing" using a low-authoritative voice but no yelling or screaming, then give him a chew toy, and when he does chew his chew toy, give him a lot of praise like "good chewing <<dog's name>>, good chewing!"

Paper training takes time too. You can get a spray that simulates other dogs' urine smell, so when your dog smells that, he'll pee naturally on that spot. I use it to train my little Diego, it does work 90% of the time (he's only 7 weeks old), but I still need to watch him closely as he is too young to be completely trusted. Make sure to give him A LOT OF praises when he does pee on the right spot, make a BIG DEAL, using a high-pitched voice. That being said, taking the dog outside to pee and poop is still preferred over paper training. After only one week of active training, my little Diego now wiggles his little tail in front of my patio door when he wants to go out to pee or to poop. :p

Good luck!


咬东西需要从小抓起:每次都用比较严肃的口气跟她说:no chewing,然后给她一个可以咬的玩具,然后扭头走开。如果她咬可以咬的玩具就要狠命地夸她,如果还是乱咬就重来一遍。她如果对玩具没有兴趣有可能是玩具太多了,通常给她两三样玩具就够了,太多了她会觉得屋里所有东西都是她的玩具,反而要乱咬了。




最初由 ~Secret Garden~ 发布



thanks again...
Bonding is an important part of pet training. The best way is to spend more time with her, really there is no magic pill. Dogs by nature are pact animals, meaning that they need to have compagnions by their side. You want to let your dog know that you are the leader of her pact, not her.

I find that tummy rub is a good way of bonding, it also puts your dog in a submissive position: a dog's tummy is a vulnerable part of her body. I play tummy rub with my little Diego as least 3 times a day now. If he tries to bit my fingers, I give him a chew toy while I continue rubbing his tummy.

Patience patience patience! If nothing works for you, you may want to consult a professional trainer for one-on-one training with your dog.
真好,我去pet mart找她的老师拿了crate training的资料,跟你说的很像,吸引她进去,现在效果很明显了啊。几乎能独立呆着10分钟不叫,然后就睡了。

