国际学生的奖学金算不算other income里呢?


请问一下,在学校拿的scholarship,是T4A表上的,要不要填在报税表的other income里?
不是说中加间的规定,国际学生的奖学金,助学金都不用上税嘛,那就不该算在taxable income里啊。
谁有经验,请指点一下 :thanks:
Yes, you have to report it too. There is a box for scolarship income I think.. I did mine couple years ago.
在表上的other income一栏里有scholarship/bursary...
如果填了的话,这部分钱就算taxable income里面了啊。那个规定又怎么理解呢??
Every student has that kind of Education Credits...
The point is as a Chinese international student,scholarship may not be included in the taxable income, based on the Canada-China Income Tax Agreement. Read the following paragraph. I am just wondering how this agreement could act on my tax return.Thanks for your reply.

Article 19
Payments which a student, apprentice or business trainee who is, or was immediately before visiting a Contracting State, a resident of the other Contracting State and who is present in the first-mentioned Contracting State solely for the purpose of his education or training receives for the purpose of his maintenance, education or training shall not be taxed in that Contracting State.

最初由 bubbleface 发布

But you also has Education Credits right? ;)

Check out this link: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/E/pub/tg/p105/p105-e.html#P120_8332
最初由 likelune 发布
请问一下,在学校拿的scholarship,是T4A表上的,要不要填在报税表的other income里?
不是说中加间的规定,国际学生的奖学金,助学金都不用上税嘛,那就不该算在taxable income里啊。
谁有经验,请指点一下 :thanks:
amount from T4A minus $3000(that is exemption) = The amount to report on line 130(other income)
Tian is correct.
那上面的那个article 19怎么解释呢?
For Canadians, only first $3000 Scholarship/Bursary is exampted, the remaining balbance should be included as taxable income. I don't know for the Internation students. Anyway, why worrying? I don't think you will have an income of $25,000 or more. You will not pay any taxes regardless.
最初由 xyz139 发布
For Canadians, only first $3000 Scholarship/Bursary is exampted, the remaining balbance should be included as taxable income. I don't know for the Internation students. Anyway, why worrying? I don't think you will have an income of $25,000 or more. You will not pay any taxes regardless.

For Canadians, only first $3000 Scholarship/Bursary is exampted. :cool:

It's true and same to international student.
其实国际学生的收入 如果你不报税的话 根本一分钱税都不用缴 加拿大政府查税是按照公民或者移民的SIN 卡number 由计算机随即抽取5% 国际学生的SIN NUMBER 不在这个范围 而且现在好多国际学生还申请不了SIN卡  国际学生在加拿大不享受社会福利 学费又比当地人贵几倍 医疗保险业也是自己买的凭什么缴税啊!我知道的一个国际学生今年股票赚了不少 她的一个朋友是本地人赚了比他还多一倍 但是国际学生不用缴税 那个本地人税后收入比国际学生还少几千。这也算是加拿大税法对国际学生缴纳高学费的一个变相补偿吧!
I had used this Article 19 when the Tax Agreement was just signed. I had requested an exemption from taxation of my fellowship, RA et al. At that time the staff at Revenue Canada was not familiar to the content of Article 19. They disallowed my exemption. But I appealed their decision and I win. I got my tax money back.

1. Article 19 applies with respect to RA, fellowship and Scholarship even though you received a T4A.

2. Article 19 does not apply with respect to a TA income for which a T4 is usualy issued.

3. You are supposed to pay tax in China for the amount of the RA, fellowship and Scholarship, but China does not appear to check on you.

Good luck