H hookedonfishing 知名会员 注册 2003-05-12 消息 271 荣誉分数 44 声望点数 138 2005-02-27 #1 我去了COSTCO, 没有! 记得谁说过在RIDEAU街上有一家便宜的.
H helpwantedplease 新手上路 注册 2004-06-25 消息 100 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-02-27 #3 最初由 hookedonfishing 发布 我去了COSTCO, 没有! 记得谁说过在RIDEAU街上有一家便宜的. 点击展开... I took at home using digital camera and printed it at loblaws. Only 25 cents. Later I got 10 years B1/B2 visa.
最初由 hookedonfishing 发布 我去了COSTCO, 没有! 记得谁说过在RIDEAU街上有一家便宜的. 点击展开... I took at home using digital camera and printed it at loblaws. Only 25 cents. Later I got 10 years B1/B2 visa.
H happy smiles 知名会员 注册 2004-10-08 消息 979 荣誉分数 36 声望点数 138 2005-02-28 #4 最初由 hookedonfishing 发布 我去了COSTCO, 没有! 记得谁说过在RIDEAU街上有一家便宜的. 点击展开... why 没有!? I took my photo at costco just a few months ago, and went to the U.S. lots of times without any problem!
最初由 hookedonfishing 发布 我去了COSTCO, 没有! 记得谁说过在RIDEAU街上有一家便宜的. 点击展开... why 没有!? I took my photo at costco just a few months ago, and went to the U.S. lots of times without any problem!
snoopy 新手上路 注册 2002-07-20 消息 7,077 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2005-02-28 #5 Re: Re: 哪儿照去美国签证的照片便宜. 谢谢 最初由 helpwantedplease 发布 I took at home using digital camera and printed it at loblaws. Only 25 cents. Later I got 10 years B1/B2 visa. 点击展开... 如果家里有彩色打印机,就更便宜了!
Re: Re: 哪儿照去美国签证的照片便宜. 谢谢 最初由 helpwantedplease 发布 I took at home using digital camera and printed it at loblaws. Only 25 cents. Later I got 10 years B1/B2 visa. 点击展开... 如果家里有彩色打印机,就更便宜了!