曾长期担任国际金融顾问的美国人珀金斯(John Perkins)出了一本书,名为《一个经济杀手的自白》。该书给美国的统治势力取了一个新名词:“corporatocracy”,我把它译为“公司王国”。这本书是珀金斯的自传,也是他的自白、忏悔,使人大开眼界。
1967年,22岁的珀金斯就被国家安全部门NSA的一位高官看成发展对象。大学毕业后,他到外国服务,美国Chas T.Main公司负责为世界银行审批贷款的副经理开始和他接触。公司深知他的志向与弱点,派了一位年轻、漂亮、老练的工作人员引诱、动员和训练他。1971年,他终于同意到国外当economichitman(经济杀手),公开的身份是公司的经济学家。
Confessions of an Economic Hitman
Written by Global Economist John Perkins
Dear friends,
John Perkins was for many years one of the world's top economists. He worked directly with the heads of the World Bank, IMF, and other global financial institutions. He quit his work about 20 years ago because morally and ethically, he felt it was wrong to play such a key role in creating world empire at the expense of the poor and less advantaged around the world. After being persuaded and even bribed not to write a book about his experiences, Perkins states, "When 9/11 struck, I had a change of heart." The book, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, has now been published and has spent many weeks on amazon.com's bestseller list.
Below are three links related to this book, followed by an excellent review. The first link allows you to purchase the book at amazon.com. The second is a link to an engaging 14-minute radio interview with John Perkins available on the informative news website Information Clearing House. The third is a link to the excellent book review written (provided below) on this powerful book by another former member of the global financial elite, David Korten. Perkins ends the radio interview by stating, "I believe the World Bank and these other institutions can be turned around....We can change that." Please help to bring about this change by forwarding this information to your friends and colleagues.
With very best wishes,
Fred Burks for the WantToKnow.info team
曾长期担任国际金融顾问的美国人珀金斯(John Perkins)出了一本书,名为《一个经济杀手的自白》。该书给美国的统治势力取了一个新名词:“corporatocracy”,我把它译为“公司王国”。这本书是珀金斯的自传,也是他的自白、忏悔,使人大开眼界。
1967年,22岁的珀金斯就被国家安全部门NSA的一位高官看成发展对象。大学毕业后,他到外国服务,美国Chas T.Main公司负责为世界银行审批贷款的副经理开始和他接触。公司深知他的志向与弱点,派了一位年轻、漂亮、老练的工作人员引诱、动员和训练他。1971年,他终于同意到国外当economichitman(经济杀手),公开的身份是公司的经济学家。
Confessions of an Economic Hitman
Written by Global Economist John Perkins
Dear friends,
John Perkins was for many years one of the world's top economists. He worked directly with the heads of the World Bank, IMF, and other global financial institutions. He quit his work about 20 years ago because morally and ethically, he felt it was wrong to play such a key role in creating world empire at the expense of the poor and less advantaged around the world. After being persuaded and even bribed not to write a book about his experiences, Perkins states, "When 9/11 struck, I had a change of heart." The book, Confessions of an Economic Hitman, has now been published and has spent many weeks on amazon.com's bestseller list.
Below are three links related to this book, followed by an excellent review. The first link allows you to purchase the book at amazon.com. The second is a link to an engaging 14-minute radio interview with John Perkins available on the informative news website Information Clearing House. The third is a link to the excellent book review written (provided below) on this powerful book by another former member of the global financial elite, David Korten. Perkins ends the radio interview by stating, "I believe the World Bank and these other institutions can be turned around....We can change that." Please help to bring about this change by forwarding this information to your friends and colleagues.
With very best wishes,
Fred Burks for the WantToKnow.info team