
1. pure (100%) vegatarian buffe, Somerset East @King Edward, close to U of Ottawa, only serve evening meals, $5 for students $7 for others
2. Perfection resturant, some has eggs, but most of meals are vegan. You could order vegan. Laurier Av. East @King Edward Av, close to U of Ottawa
3. Green Table on Wellington St@Parkdale
3. it's actually at intersection of Holland and Wellington. Everytime i pass by, the place is full of ppl. :)
最初由 Son of God 发布
1. pure (100%) vegatarian buffe, Somerset East @King Edward, close to U of Ottawa, only serve evening meals, $5 for students $7 for others
2. Perfection resturant, some has eggs, but most of meals are vegan. You could order vegan. Laurier Av. East @King Edward Av, close to U of Ottawa
3. Green Table on Wellington St@Parkdale

Many thanks! Are they Chinese style? BTW, they don't have garlic and onion, right?!
None of them are Chinese style.

The first one is Indian (the real Indian, not the American Indian) style.

The other two are Western

There is one Chinese style vegaterian restrant in China town. It is called "So Good Restrant". It claimed vegatarian, but it also serve non vegatarian dishes. I am sorry I don't know the details about it because I had never been there.