车祸后的保险问题[请求] 急!


You should always talk to your own insurance company in any case.

Talk to your own insurance company and give them the third party's insurance policy. It should work that way.
Give your insurance company the report number from the police.
If I am not wrong, you won't get paid by your insurance company.
From the insurance point of view, your case is equivalent to a stone fall from the sky and damaged your car. Since you only have third party insurance, they are not responsible for such damage.
Try to talk to the other person's insurance to see if you can get some money back, if not, the only way might work is the court way, you may win but all the legal fees and the trouble you have to go through......
Feel very sorry for you, just showed up at the wrong time at the wrong place. Take it easy, if the damage is not so big, just treat it as bad luck. It's probably worth another one or two hundred dollars to get comprehansive coverage next time.
:) sounds too bad
should I suffer this about 2000 damage by myself?

最初由 photographer 发布
If I am not wrong, you won't get paid by your insurance company.
From the insurance point of view, your case is equivalent to a stone fall from the sky and damaged your car. Since you only have third party insurance, they are not responsible for such damage.
Try to talk to the other person's insurance to see if you can get some money back, if not, the only way might work is the court way, you may win but all the legal fees and the trouble you have to go through......
Feel very sorry for you, just showed up at the wrong time at the wrong place. Take it easy, if the damage is not so big, just treat it as bad luck. It's probably worth another one or two hundred dollars to get comprehansive coverage next time.
最初由 AOE_Conqueror 发布

I think the others already suggested. Basically, you need to get the insurance policy number from the party who is at-faul and the police report number. Give these information to your own insurance company, and they will take care of the rest for you. This consider a claim; however, this should not result an increase in your insurance premium as you are not at-fault or partially at-fault.
Well, consider this case, you parked your car in the basement of your apartment building, the ceiling clapse and your car is damaged. You do not have comprehansive coverage, your insurance is not going to pay you. But, you can sue your landlord since the place they rent to you is not secure and such damage is their responsibility. The landlord then sue the construction company since they did the work, and the construction company may sue the professional engineer design firm since they may have a fault design. After a while, things became really ugly. It could take you a long time to have your loss recovered.
The best thing about your accident is that you are not hurt. That's the most important thing. Every problem that can be resolved by money is NOT a PROBLEM.
Please take it easy, if 2000 is a big money to you, phone the other insurance everyday, even threaten them to bring the case to the court (please do notice, they have very good lawyers). 2000 is not a big thing to the insurance company, they may not want to spend the time and money to go to the court with you and they may agree to pay part or the entire cost. Try it and good luck,

最初由 AOE_Conqueror 发布
:) sounds too bad
should I suffer this about 2000 damage by myself?


最初由 photographer 发布
Well, consider this case, you parked your car in the basement of your apartment building, the ceiling clapse and your car is damaged. You do not have comprehansive coverage, your insurance is not going to pay you. But, you can sue your landlord since the place they rent to you is not secure and such damage is their responsibility. The landlord then sue the construction company since they did the work, and the construction company may sue the professional engineer design firm since they may have a fault design. After a while, things became really ugly. It could take you a long time to have your loss recovered.
The best thing about your accident is that you are not hurt. That's the most important thing. Every problem that can be resolved by money is NOT a PROBLEM.
Please take it easy, if 2000 is a big money to you, phone the other insurance everyday, even threaten them to bring the case to the court (please do notice, they have very good lawyers). 2000 is not a big thing to the insurance company, they may not want to spend the time and money to go to the court with you and they may agree to pay part or the entire cost. Try it and good luck,

I would name both insuarnce companies. If the damage is under 10000, you can go to small claim court which is much faster. Before you do that, I would suggest you to write them (to both insurance companies) a letter, tell the them if they don't resolve the matter for you within a specified time frame, you would consider legal action against them, and you would also file a complaint to Insurance Bureau of Canada.

The goal is to get them to pay for your damage without going to court. Sometime, I find it is much better to write them letter to express your concerns, becasue this is the most effective way.

Each time when you call, you talk to different representatives. Also, there is no legal bound from phone conversation, becasue it is not recorded, and you can not really establish the identity of the subjects you are talking to. Using letter is a powerful mean, because it is written, and they can't do the shoveling.

Small Claim court info
最初由 keen_observer 发布
I would name both insuarnce companies. If the damage is under 10000, you can go to small claim court which is much faster. Before you do that, I would suggest you to write them (to both insurance companies) a letter, tell the them if they don't resolve the matter for you within a specified time frame, you would consider legal action against them, and you would also file a complaint to Insurance Bureau of Canada.

The goal is to get them to pay for your damage without not going to court. Sometime, I find it is much better to write them letter to express your concerns, becasue this is the most effective way.

Each time when you calls, you talk to different representative. Also, there is no legal bound from phone conversation, becasue it is not recorded, and you can not really establish the identity of the subjects you are talking to. Using letter is a powerful mean, because it is written, and they can't do the shoveling.

Small Claim court info


Which company do you have your insurance with? The company is no good.

My car was hit by another car. My insurance company (Allstate) arranged body shop to fix my car. All I need to pay was $500 deductible for now. Allstate is trying to collect from the other insurance company for me. Once they received the repair money, the company will return the deductible to me.
I think that is because you had a comprehansive coverage... not the same case here.
Thanks, everyone!
I will let you know the final result, whatever it is and how long it will take. Just as a reference for all people.