关于EI ???


[问题] 急急急:关于EI

去年圣诞节前被裁掉,现在还处于拿PACKAGE的阶段(还没有收到Record of Employment,所以也还没有去HRDC申请EI),今天拿到一个Contract(3个月的合同),Agent要求我有一个Incorporated Company,(她说我必须自己扣税,交CPP,EI等)

我的问题是:等我的3个月CONTRACT结束,我还能领全额的EI吗?(我现在符合全额的EI)(Contract hourly rate跟我以前的工资差不多)

另外,我的Incorporated Company纯粹是为了省税,在这种情况下我可以自己交EI吗?


最初由 VxWorks 发布
[问题] 急急急:关于EI

去年圣诞节前被裁掉,现在还处于拿PACKAGE的阶段(还没有收到Record of Employment,所以也还没有去HRDC申请EI),今天拿到一个Contract(3个月的合同),Agent要求我有一个Incorporated Company,(她说我必须自己扣税,交CPP,EI等)

我的问题是:等我的3个月CONTRACT结束,我还能领全额的EI吗?(我现在符合全额的EI)(Contract hourly rate跟我以前的工资差不多)

另外,我的Incorporated Company纯粹是为了省税,在这种情况下我可以自己交EI吗?



You need to work for xxxx hours in the past xxxxx weeks to be eligible for EI. Do a careful calculation on your working hours by yourself ! and check the website for refrrence.
You can't pay EI as long as you own 40% of the company. In your case,
I don't think CCRA will allow you to pay EI.

As for an alternative solution, I am wondering if you are married or
have any relative living with you. If yes, use your spouse or your
relative's name to register the company. Your job agent won't care
whether the company is under your name or control. All they need to
know is that this is legally incorporated. While you work for that
contract, you can tell Human Resource that you are jobless and you
are looking for job, so that you can collect EI.

As for the income into your company's account, you can use that to
deduct other expenses, such as car expense, rental, telecommunication,
meal and entertainment. If your spouse has no income or a low
income, you can use your company's money to pay your spouse. Then
your family can have two incomes, one from EI and one from your own
company. If your spouse has income, you can just let the money sitting
in your company's account. Remember corporation tax stands at 20%
and personal tax stands around 30%. After your EI is finished, you can
start to pay yourself from your company.

I have to admit that my idea is illegal because you cheat Human
Resource, but if no one tells them, who knows. So, register your
company under your spouse's name.
最初由 allhelp 发布
, I have to admit that my idea is illegal because you cheat Human
Resource, but if no one tells them, who knows. So, register your
company under your spouse's name.

知道不对还教人家? 犯了事是你兜着还是他自己兜着?

先工作三个月以后应该还是可以申请EI的, EI是根据你过去一年内有多少受保时间, 多少受保工资, 来决定你的EI能够拿多少, 能够拿多久. 你拿合同工作的这三个月不受保, 可能对你EI数目有影响. 但是如果工作收入不错, 建议你考虑还是工作的好. 万一进去以后有机会转成正式工作了呢?
最初由 allhelp 发布
I have to admit that my idea is illegal because you cheat Human
Resource, but if no one tells them, who knows. So, register your
company under your spouse's name.

Your idea is perfectly legal, and it's the common practice in the world of contractors.
满足条件的EI要在一年内领完. 假设你现在有39个星期的EI, 那么你的三个月(13个星期)的Contract不会影响你的EI总金额. 因为一年正好有52个星期, 干完13星期后再来领你39个星期的EI, 天衣无缝呀!
用自己的名字注册Incorporated Company也没有问题.关键是Incorporated Company有收入,你没有收入就行.你甚至不是自雇.你是你Incorporated Company的雇员.公司收入和你的收入是两回事.
最初由 牧歌 发布
用自己的名字注册Incorporated Company也没有问题.关键是Incorporated Company有收入,你没有收入就行.你甚至不是自雇.你是你Incorporated Company的雇员.公司收入和你的收入是两回事.

You only get 55% of your earnings up to $413 a week on EI. so you should go to work instead of collecting EI.

Once you received ROE, go to EI to file your claim. Your EI will not come until your package is running out, say 3 months and your benefit period (52 weeks, the period you can claim your entitlement, e.g.,30 weeks) will be extended. Within this three months, you can work on contract.

You should get full EI at the end of the 3 months, as you will not have earnings at that time. EI only deducts earnings at the time on a week to week basis.
最初由 加猫 发布

看公司支付给你的薪水. 和你事业与否好象关系不大.关键是领EI时,你收入抵掉多少.
1. You are still getting PACKAGE. Your EI has not started yet. The contract is deemed as you are employed without interruption or a short interruption. You are entitled to get your EI as long as you worked for longer than 6 months in the past year (this is the key point). You can consult with HRDC.

2. In order to get the contract by both sides you and your agent, you have to register an incorporated company as you are self-employed b/c either the employer and the agent doesn't want to take care of your tax, CPP, and EI for saving their cost. Otherwise you won't get the contract at all. Don't hesitate and do it ASAP if you want this job. The agent can find many people who want this job.

3. A contract pay is much more than EI.
最初由 zz4881 发布
1. You are still getting PACKAGE. Your EI has not started yet. The contract is deemed as you are employed without interruption or a short interruption. You are entitled to get your EI as long as you worked for longer than 6 months in the past year (this is the key point). You can consult with HRDC.

2. In order to get the contract by both sides you and your agent, you have to register an incorporated company as you are self-employed b/c either the employer and the agent doesn't want to take care of your tax, CPP, and EI for saving their cost. Otherwise you won't get the contract at all. Don't hesitate and do it ASAP if you want this job. The agent can find many people who want this job.

3. A contract pay is much more than EI.

Agree. This is the right answer from a contract veteran.

In terms of "partnership/incorporated" cons and pros, go find an accountant to avoid making mistakes if you need further information.