One of my friend bought her second house for following purposes:
1. one of her kids (over 18) lives there
2. part of the space is for her home business.
As one of her neighbor complained to the city and claimed that she violated one of the city zoning bylaw. The kanata zoning bylaw 153-93 ( including its amemdments)
has a item as below:
Home occupation shall be operated by at least one of the permanent residents of the dwelling as a full-time of part-time employee.
Does anyone know if she really violated this bylaw?
1. one of her kids (over 18) lives there
2. part of the space is for her home business.
As one of her neighbor complained to the city and claimed that she violated one of the city zoning bylaw. The kanata zoning bylaw 153-93 ( including its amemdments)
has a item as below:
Home occupation shall be operated by at least one of the permanent residents of the dwelling as a full-time of part-time employee.
Does anyone know if she really violated this bylaw?