*** 急急急,请教有关租房的 ***



偶刚申请租了个apartment,申请表格交了,也通过了,已经把last month rent 也交了,但是还没有sign lease.

现在由于个人原因我不能搬进去了,请问我该承担这间apartment 的责任吗,我已经在30天之前告诉了landlord,他们说就算我没有签lease,我还是 "leagally bound to the apartment"。:confused:



1) 申请表上是否写了押金不退?如果没写,理直气壮地要回押金。
2)递申请表后,房东去检查你的Credit. 房东有权拒绝你的申请。签合同之前,我认为你同样有权撤回申请。
3)房东若不退押金,请他写下字据,到Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal 告他。http://www.orht.gov.on.ca/scripts/index_.asp

Good luck.
谢谢 timmy 和czh :thanks:

我看过我签的租房申请表了,上面的确些有说不退last month deposit 的 :(
别的我看都看不懂,我的landlord 还要我多罚金,要我自己找人把房间出租出去,如果租不出去我还得自己每月付房租:mad: :crying::crying:

请问这里有没有人看得懂这段文章的?我看了直晕. :confused: :( 那个Tenancy Agreement 是不是Residential Tenancies Act 啊:confused::confused:


I/We hereby certify the information provided on this form (Applicant's Particulars) to be true. I/We agree that upon acceptance of this Rental Application by the Landlord, I/We shall enter into a Tenancy Agreement incorporating the above terms into the Landlord's usual form which I/We have been given the opportunity to review, in which event the deposit shall be applied towards the rent of the last month's occupancy. IF I/WE SHOULD FAIL TO ENTER INTO SUCH TENANCY AGREEMENT, IN ADDITION TO ANY OTHER RIGHT TO DAMAGES ACCRUING TO THE LANDLORD, I/WE AGREE AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE DEPOSIT SHALL BE FORFEITED.
If, through no fault of the Landlord, it is unable to give possession of the rented premises on the date of commencement of the term, the Landlord shall not be subject to any liability to the Applicants and shall give possession as soon as the Landlord is able to do so. Failure to give possession on the date of commencement shall not in any way affect the validity of the Tenancy Agreement, the obligations of the Tenant(s) or in any way be construed to extend the term of this Tenancy Agreement. In the event that a Tenancy Agreement is entered into, this Rental Application will be deemed to form part of the Tenancy Agreement. Any omission or misstatement by the Applicant(s) in this Rental Application may result in review of your tenancy by the Landlord even after occupancy has been taken.
The Applicant hereby gives permission to the Landlord or his/her Agent to perform credit and reference checks, to contact employers, previous and present landlords, or to take any other reasonable steps to assess this Rental Application.
Once you paid the last month rent, you likely accepted the "lease" or rental agreement. I went to Rental Tribunal several times and filed "applilcations, the Tribunal never asked for a copy of the lease. Verbal agreement is a form of agreement.

If you have not yet moved in and do not want to rent the apartment, probably you are fine.

But do not expect to get your lst month rent back, it costs you money to file an application with the rental tribunal.

You may win, but how to enforce the "decision". Pay someone to collect the money?
Just be careful next time.
最初由 spsun1 发布

If you have not yet moved in and do not want to rent the apartment, probably you are fine.


"我已经在30天之前告诉了landlord" -- 如果是written notice,最好。
而且??Lease. 呃已??好了(有信用)。

我同意 “递申请表后,房东去检查你的Credit. 房东有权拒绝你的申请。签合同之前,我认为你同样有权撤回申请。” 但要拿回last month rent╋大概不可能。但可以?力_? ;ǖ馁M用不少。

我仔?想一想╋你付last month rent可能是?金之?的。太高了。
?金斤他的20% ??就?了。
楼主有没有去问问Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal啊?
想不通,如果没有签合同也算"leagally bound to the apartment"的话,那还要合同来干吗?
最初由 某某 发布
楼主有没有去问问Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal啊?
想不通,如果没有签合同也算"leagally bound to the apartment"的话,那还要合同来干吗?

sigh... 我打电话去Tribunal 问了,他们说因为我交钱了,所以就是有法律效应的。"money exchange" 就会算作leagally bound already.....

我晕 .... 那还要签 合同 干吗的 :confused: :confused:
It is really an unfair application form. If you signed this application form, you have got stuck already. Must be careful before putting your signature next time.
最初由 Gryffindor 发布

我晕 .... 那还要签 合同 干吗的 :confused: :confused:

Did you ask them this question?

How can one protect self from this... Never to rent from this company? This is too unfair.

Please tell everyone the renter company's name, so everyone can stay away from them :(
最初由 Gryffindor 发布

sigh... 我打电话去Tribunal 问了,他们说因为我交钱了,所以就是有法律效应的。"money exchange" 就会算作leagally bound already.....

我晕 .... 那还要签 合同 干吗的 :confused: :confused:
