那这里的master card 和 Visa 能在国内使吗?

可以滴 :D

AMEX can be used also. But the exchange rate is worse.
the higher exchange rate includes the service fee. I think it is C$2.75 per transaction, and the fee is incorportated in the exchange rate... So, other than no options available, don't use your credit card at another country.
能啊。好像也不太贵。我7,8月份回国前,在这里先换了解人民币,在 1:5.4-5.6之间。回去用了几次卡,在1:6.2-6.4之间(均含所以费用)。 不过只有少数大商家和饭店可用。
最初由 xyz139 发布
the higher exchange rate includes the service fee. I think it is C$2.75 per transaction, and the fee is incorportated in the exchange rate... So, other than no options available, don't use your credit card at another country.

我很怀疑你是否在别的国家用过credit card,只有取现金才手你说的手续费,在商家销售是不收费用的
Feb. 05, 2005 Feb. 07, 2005 DISNEY RESORT FRONT LAKE BUENA VIFL $641.15 US DOLLAR @ 0.781350 $820.57

应该以当日汇率牌价进行交易, 如果是Mastercard or visa 的话。
消费应该是没有手续费用的, 取现 应该是有的