既然对加拿大有贡献,为什么就不能享受加拿大的福利呢? You just don't understand what is welfare, it should be used for the people who really need it and have no money to afford it.
投资移民给加拿大政府带来大笔的资金和生意机会,促进这儿的经济发展,每年交给政府的税,可能是你这辈子都比不上的 Talking about contribution, your friend even don't have any chance to compare with me, as a government researcher, I contribute directly to Canadian government.
这个论坛只是让大家互相交流些信息,不是发泄情绪的地方. Ok, the answer you want to know is simple --- absoultly no way!!!
Children benefit depents on family annualy income. If your family income is more than $80,000CND,
your child benefit is a little. If your income is $0 CND, your child benefit will be more than $180 CND per month.