rosy_check 新手上路 注册 2004-09-14 消息 320 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 28 2005-03-11 #1 是不是有的车行只租车给G照持有人? 有过经验大侠请赐教:持G2驾造,OTTAWA那个车行可以临时租车,价钱如何? 磕谢!
小 小喽?的跟班 水泥搅拌员 注册 2005-02-22 消息 1,065 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-03-12 #3 最初由 just in L.U.O. 发布 any company if you are over 21 点击展开... Many companies will not rent you a vehicle if you are just above 21 and below 25.Some does with certain amount of extra charge, like National, and Hertz(G LISENCE ONLY).
最初由 just in L.U.O. 发布 any company if you are over 21 点击展开... Many companies will not rent you a vehicle if you are just above 21 and below 25.Some does with certain amount of extra charge, like National, and Hertz(G LISENCE ONLY).
遛弯的虫子 知名会员 注册 2004-03-20 消息 2,229 荣誉分数 28 声望点数 158 2005-03-12 #4 你去enterprice租,只要过了21岁拥有G2就可以,不过你年龄不到25他们会charge 你10刀每天。
sean 新手上路 注册 2002-09-16 消息 1,072 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-03-12 #5 Enterprise 最近有promotion, $9.99 with 150km/days in weekend.