What's wrong with 168?


I went there few days ago, the boss and the cashiers are nice to me. I just don't understant why there's so many people against the store or the people there.
Please tell my why and leave your reasons!
Thank you.

well, I like them. My friend works there, she says her bosses are really really nice and life there is really fun.

She feels bad that every negative article about 168 is saying people who work there are ugly or uncivilized. She is kind of pretty, well, in a very mysterious way. So, I just wonder what reason can make some people say the employees in 168 are that ugly.

If you like 168, please keep do so.

If you don't like 168, I'm not gonna talk you into anything, just 1 thing to say that 168 is trying their best to make you happy. Please show a little bit understanding.

还有,我劝你要说你朋友的好话,你就直接说人家长得不错就行了,还非得来个"kind of", "well", “in a very mysterious way”, 你也太不真心了,我想你朋友看到你的描述也不会开心的。比较假。

最初由 Realistic 发布
She is kind of pretty, well, in a very mysterious way.
haha, you are funny, my friend is pretty in a way. You only can see her pretty side when you become her close friend. She has admit it herself. It's ok.
Anyway, thank you for your advice. I jsut don't want somebody once reply me as
"What kind of taste you have, your friend is not pretty at all." and this is really gonna hurt her.
Who knows what people may say these days.

Thank you all for replying.
I like the girls at 168. The cashiers are pleasant looking.
One thing i notice is the prettier ones are colder and more standoffish
maybe because they get harassed very often?
anyhow the management is helpful and courteous.
The point to consider is that their job does not require them to look glamorous
and to be honest if my cashier hands me my change on carefully manicured hands
i would find that pretty weird
最初由 Realistic 发布
haha, you are funny, my friend is pretty in a way. You only can see her pretty side when you become her close friend. She has admit it herself. It's ok.
Anyway, thank you for your advice. I jsut don't want somebody once reply me as
"What kind of taste you have, your friend is not pretty at all." and this is really gonna hurt her.
Who knows what people may say these days.

Thank you all for replying.

I understand what you mean.
everyone judge beauty by different standards
you are just saying, to you she's an attractive girl
and you are not asking anybody to confirm or deny that fact
lots of miscommunication here, i find, when using english in chinese forum
最初由 Realistic 发布

If you don't like 168, I'm not gonna talk you into anything, just 1 thing to say that 168 is trying their best to make you happy. Please show a little bit understanding.

从楼主的口气来看,168好像不是一个营利商店,而是一个non-profit的福利机构,在do others a favor. 即使卖点过期食品,也要show a little bit understanding.

楼主,我觉得你和168卖的过期食品有一比 -- 酸臭。
Re: Re: What's wrong with 168?

最初由 如果时光可以倒流 发布

还有,我劝你要说你朋友的好话,你就直接说人家长得不错就行了,还非得来个"kind of", "well", “in a very mysterious way”, 你也太不真心了,我想你朋友看到你的描述也不会开心的。比较假。

最初由 Realistic 发布
haha, you are funny, my friend is pretty in a way. You only can see her pretty side when you become her close friend. She has admit it herself. It's ok.
Anyway, thank you for your advice. I jsut don't want somebody once reply me as "What kind of taste you have, your friend is not pretty at all." and this is really gonna hurt her.
Who knows what people may say these days.

Thank you all for replying.

那我不得不对你说: "What kind of taste you have, your friend is not pretty at all.",你觉得不错,是因为情人眼里出西施,醒醒吧,别自己骗自己了。
最初由 challenger 发布

那我不得不对你说: "What kind of taste you have, your friend is not pretty at all.",你觉得不错,是因为情人眼里出西施,醒醒吧,别自己骗自己了。


可以评论一个店或人的服务质量, 但是最好成绩不要攻击人的容貌