H hjm 新手上路 注册 2004-10-10 消息 83 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-03-18 #1 各位大虾: 请问有没有人知道CDI College? 有没有人在那里上过课?或者你的朋友们有没有上过课? 我对那里的Medical Laboratory Assistant 感兴趣 学7个月就可以拿到Diploma 而且他们说工作很好找, 供不应求! 不知道可不可信? 或者是不是跟说的那么好找工作 请大家帮我出出主意,给点意见! 由于很着急 所以 希望大家帮帮忙! 多谢大家!
各位大虾: 请问有没有人知道CDI College? 有没有人在那里上过课?或者你的朋友们有没有上过课? 我对那里的Medical Laboratory Assistant 感兴趣 学7个月就可以拿到Diploma 而且他们说工作很好找, 供不应求! 不知道可不可信? 或者是不是跟说的那么好找工作 请大家帮我出出主意,给点意见! 由于很着急 所以 希望大家帮帮忙! 多谢大家!
stevenw 资深人士 VIP 注册 2003-12-22 消息 1,977 荣誉分数 166 声望点数 223 2005-03-19 #2 Not True! If you are English/French bilingual, you may still have some chance, or else little! They have at least 4 class each year (25 * 4= 100+ people)graduated, how many people really needed in Ottawa?
Not True! If you are English/French bilingual, you may still have some chance, or else little! They have at least 4 class each year (25 * 4= 100+ people)graduated, how many people really needed in Ottawa?
L lilidoo 资深人士 VIP 注册 2003-06-05 消息 4,645 荣誉分数 432 声望点数 243 2005-03-19 #3 最初由 stevenw 发布 Not True! If you are English/French bilingual, you may still have some chance, or else little! They have at least 4 class each year (25 * 4= 100+ people)graduated, how many people really needed in Ottawa? 点击展开... true
最初由 stevenw 发布 Not True! If you are English/French bilingual, you may still have some chance, or else little! They have at least 4 class each year (25 * 4= 100+ people)graduated, how many people really needed in Ottawa? 点击展开... true
F flea 新手上路 注册 2002-12-04 消息 179 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-03-19 #5 不过在那里好像有个考试中心,可以考很多证书,象Cisco认证,微软认证,A+等等