Rogers High Speed -- $200 Gift Card @ Best Buy


看到最新的Best Buy flyer 上有,如果现在申请Rogers High speed Express 有 $200 的 Best Buy Gift Card, 外加 FREE Starter Kit (原价 39.99).

买的时候先送你一张$100 的 Gift Card, 然后60 天后再寄给你$100元。

有谁正好要换High Speed 的可以Take Advantage 了 :D
Look at fine print saying

"installation charges and some price restrictions may apply"

最初由 bubbleface 发布
看到最新的Best Buy flyer 上有,如果现在申请Rogers High speed Express 有 $200 的 Best Buy Gift Card, 外加 FREE Starter Kit (原价 39.99).

买的时候先送你一张$100 的 Gift Card, 然后60 天后再寄给你$100元。

有谁正好要换High Speed 的可以Take Advantage 了 :D
最初由 cy25915 发布
any idea what restrictions?

偶刚买好,一分钱没付,是 basic installation only.


a) You will schedule a self installation of the Rogers High-speed internet sevice within 7 calandar days after today's date and you will subscribe to the service for a minumum period of six (6) months commencing from the date of activataion.
(44.95-200÷1.15)÷6 = 15.96,
1. what's "basic installation"? 自己安装吗?
2. 我4月中搬家. 如果4月中安装(activate)可以吗?
3. 是3.0 Mbps的那一种吗?
4. 有没有installation fee 或 activation fee?
5. 月费多少?


最初由 bubbleface 发布

偶刚买好,一分钱没付,是 basic installation only.


a) You will schedule a self installation of the Rogers High-speed internet sevice within 7 calandar days after today's date and you will subscribe to the service for a minumum period of six (6) months commencing from the date of activataion.
忘了说了,第一个月是free 的,starter kit box 上有写:p yeahh!!! 又赚了.
最初由 cy25915 发布
1. what's "basic installation"? 自己安装吗?
2. 我4月中搬家. 如果4月中安装(activate)可以吗?
3. 有没有installation fee 或 activation fee?
4. 月费多少?


1. 就是他们帮你拉好线,连好moden, 不会在电脑上给你安装,不会帮你申请email account.

2. 不清楚,只知道Best buy 这个星期的flyer 上有,你打电话预约上门安装的时间可以问他们4月中来安装行不行,这个就要问rogers了。你可以先别买,打个电话给rogers 问问先。

3. 没有。Basic installation 是included, 如果你要full installation, 就会多收钱。

4. Rogers Express 月费是44.95 加税吧,具体数字记不清了。

1. Do I have to sign contract? If yes, how long is the contract?
2. How to contact you to apply?
最初由 loronald 发布
1. Do I have to sign contract? If yes, how long is the contract?
2. How to contact you to apply?

1. This is what states on the agreement when I got from best buy
a) You will schedule a self installation of the Rogers High-speed internet sevice within 7 calandar days after today's date and you will subscribe to the service for a minumum period of six (6) months commencing from the date of activataion.

2. No need to contact me. Go to Best Buy and get it. I am not selling Rogerts high-speed. ;)