The classmates who chose this course please figure out a "contactor" for yourselves ASAP and let this representative to negotiate with Mr. Francois Gagnon, his email address is Since I don't choose this course, I am not the suitable negotiator to work for your continually. Sorry!
The following is the email he sent to me, FYI
The courses notes and mandatory readings are available at the Coop as a CODEX. You will find the first section available right now. I went at the Coop without any challenges, so you should be able to
obtain a copy.
I will be giving an introduction tonight (as far and as long as I can go without getting in a conflictual situation, yesterday for the french course, it lasted about 30 min.
If the course can't be held on the UQO premises next week, I will signal a location where we can meet and I will teach from there. Would a restaurant/coffee place be suitable for you guys?