最初由 Obear 发布
My mother in law just got her VISA(shanghai) yesterday. No problem at all.
From Applicant:
List of all persons in your invitor's household.
Notarized certificate indicating relationship between you and your invitor.
A letter from your employer granting a leave of absence, and including the following information: your name, position, current salary and confirmation of the dates of that leave of absence. This letter must include your employer's name and address in Chinese characters, as well as the telephone and fax number(s).
From Your Invitor and Invitor's Spouse:
Invitation letter.
Copy of landing papers, citizenship card, Maple Leaf Card (both sides), Canadian passport or other document permitting legal stay in Canada.
Copies of all of the following documents for both your invitor and your invitor's spouse, if applicable: (i) Employment letter showing salary, position and length of employment / school letter showing enrollment (ii) Recent Notice of Assessment issued by Revenue Canada or T4 (iii) Pay records for the past 6 months (iv) Bank statements showing daily transactions for the past 6 months
It is asking for a COPIES not Notarized copies.
邀请人及其配偶(如有配偶)须提供下列所有材料: (i) 说明收入情况、职务以及受雇时间的工作证明/学校出据的就读证明 (ii) 由加拿大海关和税务总署近期出据的税收状况证明或T4 (iii) 近6个月来的工资单 (iv) 反映近6个月来日常收支状况的银行证明