梦 梦天游地 知名会员 注册 2004-12-26 消息 7 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 111 2005-03-23 #1 想考个G驾照 (有中国的驾照10年以上 )可我的英语一点也不行 渥太华有懂中文的考官吗 先谢了
A ACai 知名会员 注册 2004-11-04 消息 886 荣誉分数 5 声望点数 128 所在地 Ottawa 2005-03-23 #2 I have never seen a road test official who is able to speak Chinese. Why don't you spend helf year to study oral English? Then, you will take G road test. Good luck!
I have never seen a road test official who is able to speak Chinese. Why don't you spend helf year to study oral English? Then, you will take G road test. Good luck!
N norberry 新手上路 注册 2002-03-19 消息 144 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-03-24 #3 路考的英语很简单,无非是左右变线之类的.有个把月足以了.不用那么紧张. 而且如果你英语不好,可以要求考官说得慢一点.他是靠你的驾驶技术,不是考英语.