
the bay@bayshore shopping center
You can order one if there is none in stcok.
And don't forget ask them give you 10% discount.

Good luck!
最初由 scotty 发布
the bay@bayshore shopping center
You can order one if there is none in stcok.
And don't forget ask them give you 10% discount.

Good luck!

thanks you very much!!!
btw: do you know the price?
最初由 scotty 发布

And don't forget ask them give you 10% discount.

你这10%的折扣是不是因为第一次用BAY的CREDIT CARD买东西才给的?
Re: Re: 想买小神童洗衣机!不知哪里有的卖!

最初由 smartboy 发布

finch & midland 有一?脔店,只卖$230,已含?.

which model no: XQBM22C or XQBM15D
another thing is i am in ottawa!

They won't tell you the 10% discount until you ask them. Just ask them "can you give me a 10% discount?" if they say "No", then ask them again. If they say "No" again, say "Byebye" to them!

I don't have any membership card at "the Bay".

最初由 PCbrother 发布

thanks you very much!!!
btw: do you know the price?
Re: Re: Re: 想买小神童洗衣机!不知哪里有的卖!

最初由 PCbrother 发布

which model no: XQBM22C or XQBM15D
another thing is i am in ottawa!

is XQBM22C, 4.9lb portable washer. I heard people from Quebec or St.Catherine went there too because they are selling very cheap price.
Re: Re: Re: Re: 想买小神童洗衣机!不知哪里有的卖!

最初由 smartboy 发布

is XQBM22C, 4.9lb portable washer. I heard people from Quebec or St.Catherine went there too because they are selling very cheap price.

thank you!
最初由 scotty 发布

They won't tell you the 10% discount until you ask them. Just ask them "can you give me a 10% discount?" if they say "No", then ask them again. If they say "No" again, say "Byebye" to them!

I don't have any membership card at "the Bay".

thank you!
麻烦问一下啊,FINCH AND MIDLAND的什么地方啊,你知道具体地址么?