[请求] husky


我还是那句老话 每天象 吃饭一样揍他
Puppy school is a great idea! However puppy schools require certificate of vaccination, so if your puppy has not yet received the 3 sets of vaccines, you can't enroll him/her in the puppy school. However that does not mean you can't start training your dog now.

I highly recommend the "KISS Guide to Raising a Puppy (Keep It Simple Series), which I borrowed from a friend, it was a great book, simple, concise and to the point, very easy to read too, lot of graphics and point forms, only took me a couple of TV nights to finish.

I actually wouldn't suggest you to use training pads, as it actually delays the dog's house-training. We tried training pads with Diego for a few nights, sometimes he peed on the right spot, sometimes he didn't, but we never knew for sure if he had really FINISHED peeing.

Later we used a different method: put him in a laundry basket right beside our bed. He was too small to climb out of the basket, so when he tried to, he'd make some noise and that'd wake us up, and we'd immediately get up and take him out, and praise him like crazy when he did pee/poop, and put him back to the basket to sleep. Now that he's older and can easily climb out of the basket, we now put him in a crate at night, and the same routine goes. The crate is placed right beside our bed, so even though he's in a crate, he won't feel lonely. This has worked out great!

Diego can now hold up to 5 hours! The general rule for holding is age+1, so if your dog is 3 months old, he/she can hold up to 4 hours, but this is only a general rule, it varies from dog to dog. Unless you catch your dog peeing IN ACTION, do not yell at him or beat him, it's nothing but cruelty! Use positive reinforcement: a lot of praise, using a high pitched happy voice (like the one you say for "ice cream"), rub his back (not the head, it's considered aggression in dog world), and tell him "good pee good pee". If you catch him peeing in action, tell him "bad pee bad pee", and immediately take him out, and again praise if he does pee. If you can't catch him in action, stay calm, don't make a fuss, just clean up the mess and move on. Make sure you use a deoderizer to completely clean the smell of dog urine, so that he won't smell his own urine and thinks it's OK to pee here. Javex bleach worked best for us, Spot Shot also worked OK, but a little bit expensive.

It only took us about a week to get Diego house-broken, and the rest is more reinforcing the rule. He occasionally still has accidents, but that's pretty much our fault for not watching him closely. You should try to tell a dog's "I've got to pee" face. If he starts to snoop around in circles, he's usually looking for a place to pee, so take him out immediately. When the puppy is very young, they need to go potty right after each meal, and right after each activity: like after sleeping, after playing and after eating, so watch him like a hawk!

The beginning was very hard, and tiring. We couldn't get a full night sleep for about a month, some nights we had to get up 7-8 times, it was very tough, but it was all worth it. Even today, Diego has to get up once during the night, but mostly around 4-5 a.m., so it's not too bad. Believe me if you keep doing all the right things, IT WILL GET BETTER.

Good luck!
最初由 ysunc 发布
我还是那句老话 每天象 吃饭一样揍他

Fu*king idiot. I'd get you sued if I ever met you in person.
最初由 ysunc 发布
我还是那句老话 每天象 吃饭一样揍他

How stupid are you?! :shan:
Remember what comes around goes around. :o

1. 纠正狗狗的错误之前,必须和它建立真挚的友谊。
2. 考虑使用可以根据力度伸缩的专业犬链控制大型犬,比较容易引起它的注意。
3. 在它“作案”时抓现行,哪怕仅仅几分钟之后的责备也会让它茫然无措。
4. 在有把握时才增援。
5. 用好吃的、好玩的、关心和夸奖鼓励听话的好狗狗。
6. 纠正坏习惯时要持久和坚决,不可姑息迁就或半途而废。
7. 纠正后给狗狗制造同样的机会,如果这次做对了,就要及时奖励它。
8. 在狗狗犯错误的过程中用有噪音的物体和低沉的嗓音转移它的注意力。
9. 在户外训练时必须给狗狗佩带项圈和狗链。
10. 在他人面前纠正狗狗时,不必不好意思,但也要照顾狗狗的自尊心。

1. 不要对狗狗严厉体罚,也不要用它咬坏的东西打它。
2. 不要因为它不听话就对狗狗大喊大叫,那只能使它更茫然。
3. 不要追赶狗狗,那会使淘气的狗更兴奋,使胆小的狗因恐惧过度发生危险。
4. 不要逼迫一时无法明白口令的狗狗,高压可能使它产生自暴自弃的坏情绪。
5. 不要向上提拉颈链,会伤害狗狗的脖子,甚至造成生命危险。
6. 不要把它单独关在狭小黑暗的空间,想想儿时被幼儿园阿姨关禁闭的感受吧。
7. 不要在事后惩罚闯了祸的狗狗。
8. 不要用断食断水的方式惩罚它。
9. 拒绝那些可能危及你和爱犬亲密感情的建议,即使是来自专家的。
10. 碰到不顺心的事时,不要把狗狗当出气筒。

《爱犬》通信地址:北京东城区新中街68号1号楼204房 小蓝收(100027)
Large breeds are usually gentler than smaller breeds. A well trained dog would never use his physical force against you. It sounds to me like your boyfriend is his master, and you are not. If you want to be the dog's master, you need to let him know who the boss is. The dog must respect his owners and the rest of the family members, after all he is only a dog, who needs constant care and love, and who's completely dependent on the owners.

If he's already one year old and have received all his shots, I highly recommend you to take him to puppy school. I've already enrolled my Diego to the City of Ottawa's puppy kintergarten starting April 18, 2005 in my area. Here is the class schedule in City of Ottawa Spring/Summer 2005 Recreation Guide: http://ottawa.ca/city_services/recreation/guides_pdf/ss_2005.pdf

Dog Obedience ? Puppy
Designed for puppies 3-6 months of age.
Introduces them to society, socialization
and learning. Over the six weeks they will
learn dog’s name, gotcha, sit, down, come,
stand, heel, take it and leave it. They will be
introduced to strangers, strange clothing and
objects, grooming, and being handled.

Fringewood C.C. ?
580-2424 ext. 33230
Wed 7-8 pm
Apr 20-May 25 $60 199698

Glen Cairn C.C. ?
580-2424 ext. 33501
Mon 6:15-7:15 pm
Apr 18-May 30 $60 195545

South Fallingbrook C.C. ?
824-0633 ext. 221
Thu 6:30-7:30 pm
Mar 24-Apr 28 $63 205829
May 5-Jun 9 $63 205905