1. Scott Urman, “Oracle 8 PL/SQL Programming” (CD included) McGraw-Hill, 1997 $20
2. “Teach yourself PL/SQL in 21 days” (CD included) SAMS Publishing, 1997 $10
3. A.J.Viterbi “CDMA 扩频通信原理” 人民邮电出版社1997, $5
4. “宽带无线接入和无线局域网”刘元安等编著,北邮大学出版社 2000, $5
5. Richard Stevens, “Unix Network Programming Volume 1 Sockets and XTI” Prentice Hall/Tsinghua Press, 1998, $10
contact phone# 276-1343
email: zhanghao@sce.carleton.ca
2. “Teach yourself PL/SQL in 21 days” (CD included) SAMS Publishing, 1997 $10
3. A.J.Viterbi “CDMA 扩频通信原理” 人民邮电出版社1997, $5
4. “宽带无线接入和无线局域网”刘元安等编著,北邮大学出版社 2000, $5
5. Richard Stevens, “Unix Network Programming Volume 1 Sockets and XTI” Prentice Hall/Tsinghua Press, 1998, $10
contact phone# 276-1343
email: zhanghao@sce.carleton.ca