C CFC 知名会员 注册 2003-01-24 消息 81 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 116 2005-04-02 #1 1. 自己开车去 2. 跟旅行团 3. 在网上租一个HOUSE, 网上定来回的机票, 网上定公园的门票 请问去过的有经验的, 那种方式更好一些? 如果想采用第三种方式, 是否大家可以提供一下可以信任的网址? 多谢!
1. 自己开车去 2. 跟旅行团 3. 在网上租一个HOUSE, 网上定来回的机票, 网上定公园的门票 请问去过的有经验的, 那种方式更好一些? 如果想采用第三种方式, 是否大家可以提供一下可以信任的网址? 多谢!
tomf 知名会员 注册 2003-03-05 消息 705 荣誉分数 24 声望点数 138 2005-04-02 #3 开车可是要开几天,不过到是在那里看见过安省和魁省的车,我觉得还是第三种比较好,如果人多租一个带游泳池的HOUSE真的挺爽的
topone 知名会员 注册 2004-06-20 消息 234 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 176 2005-04-02 #4 i think the second one is the best, because with a tourist group you won't have to worry about the hotel or the ride.
i think the second one is the best, because with a tourist group you won't have to worry about the hotel or the ride.
S sweetbean 新手上路 注册 2003-06-24 消息 87 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-04-02 #7 We've just planned to Florida by plane. 我准备5月上旬去7days, 订了一套 2 bed room房间,现多出一间。If the time is OK for you, we can shared the room and car rental, then you can get more than you pay! Email me at kby001@hotmail.com:glowface:
We've just planned to Florida by plane. 我准备5月上旬去7days, 订了一套 2 bed room房间,现多出一间。If the time is OK for you, we can shared the room and car rental, then you can get more than you pay! Email me at kby001@hotmail.com:glowface: