

where is the problem? Just the sink? or really the drain pipe?

If it is because the tree roots on the city property, the city will come inspect and clean for you. If not because "city's" tree roots, you need to pay. Not much I pay about $80 once.

Scooter Rooter Drain Services
is reasonable too. I paid no more than $100.
最初由 spsun1 发布
where is the problem? Just the sink? or really the drain pipe?

If it is because the tree roots on the city property, the city will come inspect and clean for you. If not because "city's" tree roots, you need to pay. Not much I pay about $80 once.

Scooter Rooter Drain Services
is reasonable too. I paid no more than $100.
我的不是 tree roots 的问题~ 只是厨房的下水管道的问题!
If just the sink, you can disconnect the trap, under the sink, and clean the trap yourself.
go to homedepot to buy a tool called "snake". It's like a spring. Use it to clear the drain. I just did this weekend to clear my drain. If you have any problem, QQH give me your phone number so that i can call you.
最初由 hookedonfishing 发布
go to homedepot to buy a tool called "snake". It's like a spring. Use it to clear the drain. I just did this weekend to clear my drain. If you have any problem, QQH give me your phone number so that i can call you.
我们华人里面没有自己的这种专门疏通管道的公司吗? 听说老外的来一次要好几百~看来这是个好的生意机会阿~:)
最初由 hookedonfishing 发布
go to homedepot to buy a tool called "snake". It's like a spring. Use it to clear the drain. I just did this weekend to clear my drain. If you have any problem, QQH give me your phone number so that i can call you.
今天去找了一条~snake ~有5米长~全部放进去~然后满怀希望的拔出来~
什么东西都没出来~而且下水道还是堵的~初步测量厨房露出地面的下水管道总共也就4米~难道是外面堵了吗?可是楼上楼下的下水道都ok 阿~
Try the longer one. It's 25 feet long. I used it to solve the problem. 5 meters is too short.
最初由 hookedonfishing 发布
Try the longer one. It's 25 feet long. I used it to solve the problem. 5 meters is too short.
If your toilet is working, it is likely the trap is blocked with oil or fat, etc. Like what I suggested, see whether you can open the drain pipe under the sink. clean-up from there.

Otherwise call Scooter, your problem is not big. It should not cost too much. Call a few other place to compare prices.
Did you try using a good plunger? The rubber one is no good. The plastic (blue colour-at Home Depot) one is more effective. If it is because oil/fat, make sure using very hot water to rinse it after. I would definitely open the trap/pipe first.
yellow page上有,plumming,你打电话过去问问多少钱就行了,上次我问过,70块.不是很贵.多问几家.挑个便宜的.怎么你的厨房还没搞定么? 我觉得plunger会好用的,我家的头发都被融化了,厨房的问题不该这么大. 祝你好运.
最初由 糊糊涂涂 发布
yellow page上有,plumming,你打电话过去问问多少钱就行了,上次我问过,70块.不是很贵.多问几家.挑个便宜的.怎么你的厨房还没搞定么? 我觉得plunger会好用的,我家的头发都被融化了,厨房的问题不该这么大. 祝你好运.
70 是一个小时的价钱吧~ 我就是感觉问题很奇怪~楼上卫生间和basement都没事~而且我用那种snake都通了很久~还是不行~估计那用plunger也不管用~我已经往里面撒了不下3瓶drano的管道疏通液还是不管用~下午去买一根25米的snake再试试吧~郁闷死了