CNN 报道国内反日游行


BEIJING, China (CNN) --
中国北京 (CNN)--

Japan's ambassador has called on the Chinese government to take stronger measures to protect its citizens as thousands of protesters demand a boycott of Japanese products and shout anti-Japanese slogans.


The protests are aimed at Japan's bid to become a permanent U.N. Security Council member and have been made more emotional by Chinese objections to how Japanese school textbooks recount Japan's 20th century military campaigns.

抗议被瞄准日本成为一个长备的联合国安全理事会成员并且已经被中国异议弄得更情绪的企图到日本学校教科书重新计票日本 20 世纪军队如何竞选活动。

Sunday's protest by about 20,000 protesters in two cities in the southern Guangdong province followed Saturday's angry demonstration at Japan's embassy in Beijing.
南方的广东省的二个城市的大约 20,000个抗议者的星期日的抗议在北京的日本籍的大使馆的未来星期六的生气示范。

About 10,000 Chinese surrounded Japan's consulate in Guangzhou, capital of the Guangdong province, carrying anti-Japanese banners and Chinese flags while they sang, shouted and chanted.
大约 10,000个华人在广州,广东省的首都包围日本的领事, 反日本旗帜和中国国旗的运送当他们唱, 呼喊而且高唱的时候。

Several Japanese flags were burned.


About 10,000 Chinese also marched on a Japanese department store in the city of Shenzhen, also in the Guangdong province.

大约 10,000个华人也在深圳市的一家日本百货公司上游行, 也在广东省中。

Japanese press attache Ide Keiji told reporters Sunday that Japan's envoy Koreshige Anami talked by phone with Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister and called Saturday's protest, in which rocks and bottles were thrown at the Japanese embassy, "gravely regrettable."

日本新闻媒体大使随员 Ide Keiji 星期日告诉了记者那被和中国副外交部长的电话说话并且呼叫了星期六的岩石和瓶子在日本大使馆, " 重大可叹 " 被丢的抗议日本籍的外交使节 Koreshige Anami 。

Ambassador Anami also asked the Chinese government to take all necessary measures to protect Japanese citizens in China, Ide said.

大使 Anami 也要求中国政府轮流所有的必需措施在中国保护日本市民,Ide 说。

The Japanese spokesman said the Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister expressed regret on behalf of his government for the Saturday protest and said the Chinese government could not allow it to happen again.


The protests are targeted at Japan's bid to become a permanent U.N. Security Council member and have been made more emotional by Chinese objections to how Japanese school textbooks recount Japan's 20th century military campaigns.

抗议被对准日本成为一个长备的联合国安全理事会成员并且已经被中国异议弄得更情绪的企图到日本学校教科书重新计票日本 20 世纪军队如何竞选活动。

The protesters in Beijing Saturday chanted anti-Japanese slogans, sang patriotic songs, waved Chinese flags and carried banners critical of Japan.

Some protesters threw rocks and plastic water bottles toward the embassy gate.

The messages included a call for China to boycott Japanese products.


Hundreds of military police in riot gear lined up outside the embassy, while hundreds more police blocked nearby streets to keep the number of protesters down.
暴动齿轮的数以百计宪兵排成一行在大使馆的外面,当另外数百个警察阻塞了附近的街道保存抗议者的数字 ??落的时候上面。

Police moved in to end the protest after about an hour.

警察搬进大约 1 小时之后结束抗议。

It was the biggest protest in the Chinese capital since 1999 when angry crowds demonstrated outside the U.S. Embassy after three Chinese were killed when the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, in what was then the Yugoslav capital, was accidentally bombed.

当生气的群众在美国籍的大使馆的外面示范之后的时候,资讯科技自从 1999 以后在中国首都中是最大的抗议,当在贝尔格莱德的中国大使馆,在然后是南斯拉夫的首都东西,偶然地被轰炸的时候,三个华人被杀。

That came during the NATO air war against the Serb-led forces in the Serbian province of Kosovo, where Serbs and ethnic Albanians had been fighting.
