请[推荐] 做fence&deck的公司.

We did our fence with Bytown Fence. All our neighbors wanted to go with a reliable company, so we went with a more expensive one.

Cost: red cedar, sandwitched style with accent trim. $34/ft, $400 for one gate.

They are definitely not the cheapest or the most professional ones, and I hate their sales guy, he was all talk, but the tasks were completed relatively on time and with an acceptable level of quality.
This is the style, from their website:

最初由 渐渐 发布
We did our fence with Bytown Fence. All our neighbors wanted to go with a reliable company, so we went with a more expensive one.

Cost: red cedar, sandwitched style with accent trim. $34/ft, $400 for one gate.

They are definitely not the cheapest or the most professional ones, and I hate their sales guy, he was all talk, but the tasks were completed relatively on time and with an acceptable level of quality.

Thanks 渐渐.
最初由 Cuteboy 发布
anyone else?Thanks.

I did some fencing market research recently..The best fence company in town, no doublt, is Fence-All, http://www.fenceall.com/
No Frills fence is the cheap line of Fence-All, they are actually same company...like Loeb and Super C, Loblows and Independent...

The problem of these two companies - both of them have a lot of work orders left from last year...they cannot build your fence right now..if you book with them today, the earlist time they can come is the beginnig of June, or maybe later...

If you want to DIY, Home Depot has a seminar called "Build a Fence", every Sunday 12pm-1pm...No Frills also has an attracting program called "Post and Supply", they help you to make the post(tough job if you live in Kanata) and deliver all the other necessary materials, you do the job left...

Another company called "Perfect Post Hole" can do the post hole for you as well...they charge 28 + GST / per host (you supply the post, they dig the hole and cement it)...this is the cheapest I can get...No frills roughly charge 50 per host for the labour only...

And don't forget call before you dig, 1-800-400-2255
最初由 Cuteboy 发布


不知你现在还找不找包工的。。你可跟上面的小书联系,他要的工钱(指做patio)很不错。。。我前一段找帮手的时候跟他联系过,他没敢接,现在估计他找到人了。。另外,我手里有个老外,据说以前在多伦多干了7年landscaping,我做patio就是找他,价钱跟小书的差不多。。。活怎么样不知道,因为按计划 patio 要到五月中做,欢迎来参观,你可以现场跟他谈价。。

