

我儿子刚满1岁,还不大会走路,可是每次带他到EARLY CHILD CENTER去玩,他就抢别的小朋友的玩具,并且一阵乱扔。讲道理他又不懂,打他又不行。不知各位为人父母者有何高招?

最初由 xyz139 发布
这边有个节目叫SUPER NANNY,专门教家长怎样纠正孩子的坏习惯的,你可以看看有没有帮助!!!
I'm a parent of a furbaby, and this is what I do to correct his bad bahaviors.

Tell him firmly using a low authoritative voice "NO". Even if he doesn't understand what you said, the tone of your voice is "scary" enough to let him know that he's doing something wrong and you are not happy about it. When he stops stealing toys from other kids, give him his own toy to play, and when he does play with his own toy, praise him like crazy. Be consistent, every time he does something bad, repeat the same thing, very important.
good suggestion. "repeat the same thing" means say "no"????.
chop the hand that 抢别人的玩具

if 老是抢

for god sake, he sure will save one hand


he never changes, because he never think you are serious
it's apparent all the replies are from those who do not have kids especially渐渐's reply. :-).

This is perfectly normal behaviour for a one year old. He doesn't know the "rules" yet. From his point of view, it is not bad bahaviour at all. Try to have him play with older kids who will fightback when he grab their toys. Other kids may do the same to him. He will learn quickly.
spsun: no repeat the same thing means: say "NO", give him his own toy and praise if he does play with his own.

hh_ca: You misunderstood me, I wasn't talking about the behavior itself, but rather HOW to correct it. OK, perhaps bad behavior was the wrong word here, but what I meant was unwanted behavior. It's up to the parents to discipline and correct unwanted behaviors. In a child's world, there is no right and wrong, he/she does what's naturally, which might include "stealing" toys from other kids. Therefore a parent's job is to educate the kid on acceptable social behaviors. If left untreated (again for the lack of a better word), a child might develop a habit into doing something unwanted, that's NOT what good parenting is about.
i am no very well in english i do no understnad the enlish here can some one tell me what it is
i am really intersred
这个年龄的小孩就是以自我为中心的, 什么东西都是"我的",抢东西也很自然,此外就是听不懂父母讲的道理.
我的做法就是, 在家的时候就时常提醒(重复),这是你的玩具, 那是妈妈的东西, 那是爸爸的,要拿爸爸妈妈的东西,就得问一下可不可以, 同意了才可以拿. 同样,去一些Group玩的时候,就可以对他重复, 别的小朋友的玩具也得征得同意后才可以拿,当然这时候, 你就得有礼貌的帮他问,并表示谢意, 给孩子做个榜样.
讲道理的时候, 我会说, 妈妈是喜欢你的, 但是不喜欢*****行为!解释为什么那个行为不好,然后再教一边正确的.

最初由 Peggy 发布
这个年龄的小孩就是以自我为中心的, 什么东西都是"我的",抢东西也很自然,此外就是听不懂父母讲的道理.
我的做法就是, 在家的时候就时常提醒(重复),这是你的玩具, 那是妈妈的东西, 那是爸爸的,要拿爸爸妈妈的东西,就得问一下可不可以, 同意了才可以拿. 同样,去一些Group玩的时候,就可以对他重复, 别的小朋友的玩具也得征得同意后才可以拿,当然这时候, 你就得有礼貌的帮他问,并表示谢意, 给孩子做个榜样.
讲道理的时候, 我会说, 妈妈是喜欢你的, 但是不喜欢*****行为!解释为什么那个行为不好,然后再教一边正确的.


is this the translation
最初由 Peggy 发布
这个年龄的小孩就是以自我为中心的, 什么东西都是"我的",抢东西也很自然,此外就是听不懂父母讲的道理.
我的做法就是, 在家的时候就时常提醒(重复),这是你的玩具, 那是妈妈的东西, 那是爸爸的,要拿爸爸妈妈的东西,就得问一下可不可以, 同意了才可以拿. 同样,去一些Group玩的时候,就可以对他重复, 别的小朋友的玩具也得征得同意后才可以拿,当然这时候, 你就得有礼貌的帮他问,并表示谢意, 给孩子做个榜样.
讲道理的时候, 我会说, 妈妈是喜欢你的, 但是不喜欢*****行为!解释为什么那个行为不好,然后再教一边正确的.


Good advice! :cool::cool: