too tired to live

that's the life, you can't change it, stay with it.
well, if u wanna u could finish ur life at anytime
but if u gonna do that pls kill some Japs before u go
最初由 adware 发布
well, if u wanna u could finish ur life at anytime
but if u gonna do that pls kill some Japs before u go

How about finish you first? since you seems more evil than the Jap.
I am exhausted of returning to a place I've never been
I am exhausted of returning from a place I've never been

I forgot who I am but I am too tired to be it
I forgot who I am but I am too tired to live/leave it

最初由 dropinto 发布

"when I was young, life seems magical and beautiful......."--The logical song

When I grown up, life seems helpless and discovered your preconceptions of life were just illusions. Life is not how you perceived to be as a youth.

Growning up is a ugly thing, the more you go on with life, the more ugly truths about life you discovred.
最初由 如假包换的马甲 发布

How about finish you first? since you seems more evil than the Jap.
well, for me life is so wonderful
and i am so glad to hear"you seems more evil than the Jap"
that is cool
最初由 adware 发布
well, if u wanna u could finish ur life at anytime
but if u gonna do that pls kill some Japs before u go
