[寻找] 如何纠正/管教小狗在外面的行为

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 Rudy
  • 开始时间 开始时间


小家伙在家里的时候很乖,而且很粘人.已经会听指令"sit","come",还会捡球,每次都能叼回我面前.可是一出门就变成小疯子,什么指令也不听了.鼻子到处乱闻, 叫名字也不理,低着头跟着鼻子走. 见到别的狗狗就激动,如果不让靠近就站着不走,靠近了就闯祸, 别的狗狗冲他一凶,他还吓一跳. 别人走了他还要跟着:mad:
A dog is NOT considered reliably trained until he/she listens and responds well to any command in ANY situation.

Keep working on the commands, and perhaps enroll him in a puppy school.
尤其是怎么能做到listens and responds well to any command in ANY situation.
我现在遇到的最大的难题是在外面的时候,他的注意里很难集中,对treat和游戏也失去了兴趣. 我想这是他的本性吧.
Make sure that your dog listens and responds to your commands at home at any given time first. For example, if you tell him "come" and have to repeat yourself a few times, that means he hasn't learned the COME command well enough. Upon hearing the command COME, the dog should literally STOPS in the track, turn back and walk towards you, immediately. You should only need to say the command ONCE and once only.

Make sure that he's well socialized with other animals, here a puppy school would really help in this aspect. You could SLOWLY introduce him to external stimuli, i.e. other people, noise, other animals.

If he's too excited seeing other dogs, make him SIT, perhaps using a treat to distract him from other dogs, and go from there. If he doesn't listen to your SIT command, then you are taking the training steps too fast, go back a little, train him to SIT at home, or at your backyard.

There is no fixed rules in training, only guidelines. However these guidelines have been proven to work on majority of the dogs.

I suggest you to read some dog training books, or watch a DVD, and better yet, send him to puppy school.

最初由 Rudy 发布
尤其是怎么能做到listens and responds well to any command in ANY situation.
我现在遇到的最大的难题是在外面的时候,他的注意里很难集中,对treat和游戏也失去了兴趣. 我想这是他的本性吧.
最初由 春去春来 发布
I'm already 10 months old:zany:
最初由 渐渐 发布
Make sure that your dog listens and responds to your commands at home at any given time first. For example, if you tell him "come" and have to repeat yourself a few times, that means he hasn't learned the COME command well enough. Upon hearing the command COME, the dog should literally STOPS in the track, turn back and walk towards you, immediately. You should only need to say the command ONCE and once only.

Make sure that he's well socialized with other animals, here a puppy school would really help in this aspect. You could SLOWLY introduce him to external stimuli, i.e. other people, noise, other animals.

If he's too excited seeing other dogs, make him SIT, perhaps using a treat to distract him from other dogs, and go from there. If he doesn't listen to your SIT command, then you are taking the training steps too fast, go back a little, train him to SIT at home, or at your backyard.

There is no fixed rules in training, only guidelines. However these guidelines have been proven to work on majority of the dogs.

I suggest you to read some dog training books, or watch a DVD, and better yet, send him to puppy school.

Thanks JJ, I'm reading books and watching the videos, however those are just general guidance, I would like to know more from the pet owners here, how are you training your puppies, and how are they progressing.

I would consider sending myself to school, not the puppy. BTW, any recommendation for the schools? I checked PetsMart, it’s full for the beginning class.
Dogs are considered puppies until 18 months of age, at least some breeds are.

Golden retrievers are very easy to train, however they can get very excited with other dogs though. Oscar, the golden puppy I was babysitting last summer, had no interest in other dogs, only humans. He got so excited even peed on people. :lol:

You did miss the golden time for puppy school, but it's still not too late. Perhaps look in the yellowpages and try to find a dog training class suitable for your dog.

Here are some that have been referred to me:
http://foreverfriendsdogtraining.ca/FF-Classes.htm (Diego, my dog, is going there)
http://www.bytowndogobedience.org/ (highly recommended by numerous people)
http://www.carolark.com/ (recommended by a good friend of mine)
http://www.dogma.ca (also recommended by a friend)
最初由 Rudy 发布

I'm already 10 months old:zany:


anyway, you are still a puppy....
我经常去这个论坛:www.pets.ca,里面有个 tenderfoot 是个专业训狗的,你可以问问她。
我们家的狗以前就用过,很好用的.狗狗会很乖,溜的时候也不会使劲往前跑,它会小步走~很像在表演的那种小步伐. 再有就是去训练了,很有帮助的.