
我用过EL,是纸膜装。刚用完用效,但过两天就不行了。还用过origins的no puffery cooling mask,是Gel装的,可以天天用,但我觉得一点儿都不管用。不知clarins的好不好?最好是可以天天用的。我的眼袋很厉害。
me toooooo.
我是半年前开始出现眼袋的, 但也是时有时无, 所以也没有太在意。睡不好或睡晚的时候, 就会有小小的眼袋, 但过几天就没了。 自从2个月前,眼袋就天天跟着我了,所以买了Origins的No Puffery, 但对我一点用都没有。用了CD的No-Age有一点作用, 但也没有完全消除我的眼袋, 只是没有那么严重了。 后来在别的bbs看到一个mm shows 她用的护肤品, 其中提到了一个治眼袋的, 而且她说非常管用,后了她又买了10瓶以防以后没卖的了。其实我以前就见过她说的那个治眼袋的产品, 但没敢用。 因为盒子上的照片是一个年纪很大的人的, 所以我一直认为是给年纪非常大的人使的。 看她说的这么管用,而她只有23岁, 所以我也想试试看。 牌子是 Sudden Change,药店有卖的。 我先买了eye gel with green tea,这个是moisturizer, 说是 visibly reduce under-eye wrinkles, puffiness and circles, 用过很舒服, 3天后右眼的眼袋机本上是看不见了。 我右眼的眼袋比左眼的小。 左眼的还是能看见。 我实在是想让眼袋立即消失, 所以买了它家的治眼袋, 黑眼圈,眼纹的精华素 under-eye firming serum ( wrinkles, lines, puffiness, and dark circles disappear in minutes), 也就是那个mm买了10瓶的眼霜。效果真的很好, 一用上眼袋立即就没了, 但皮肤感觉很干。有眼袋的jjmm可以试试。 如果不管用, 你可以把它寄给产家, 他们会refund your full purchase price. 如果不管用或有任何过敏, 我可不负责, 所以想好了再试。
one link:


最初由 tiantianqi 发布
我是半年前开始出现眼袋的, 但也是时有时无, 所以也没有太在意。睡不好或睡晚的时候, 就会有小小的眼袋, 但过几天就没了。 自从2个月前,眼袋就天天跟着我了,所以买了Origins的No Puffery, 但对我一点用都没有。用了CD的No-Age有一点作用, 但也没有完全消除我的眼袋, 只是没有那么严重了。 后来在别的bbs看到一个mm shows 她用的护肤品, 其中提到了一个治眼袋的, 而且她说非常管用,后了她又买了10瓶以防以后没卖的了。其实我以前就见过她说的那个治眼袋的产品, 但没敢用。 因为盒子上的照片是一个年纪很大的人的, 所以我一直认为是给年纪非常大的人使的。 看她说的这么管用,而她只有23岁, 所以我也想试试看。 牌子是 Sudden Change,药店有卖的。 我先买了eye gel with green tea,这个是moisturizer, 说是 visibly reduce under-eye wrinkles, puffiness and circles, 用过很舒服, 3天后右眼的眼袋机本上是看不见了。 我右眼的眼袋比左眼的小。 左眼的还是能看见。 我实在是想让眼袋立即消失, 所以买了它家的治眼袋, 黑眼圈,眼纹的精华素 under-eye firming serum ( wrinkles, lines, puffiness, and dark circles disappear in minutes), 也就是那个mm买了10瓶的眼霜。效果真的很好, 一用上眼袋立即就没了, 但皮肤感觉很干。有眼袋的jjmm可以试试。 如果不管用, 你可以把它寄给产家, 他们会refund your full purchase price. 如果不管用或有任何过敏, 我可不负责, 所以想好了再试。
Skin Care Review: Sudden Change Under-Eye Firming Serum (ZT)

by Cindy M, VA USA


This treatment really works, visibly and quickly.

The only drawback is that it can be a bit tricky to blend with makeup.

I am so happy that I discovered this product, and I am pleased to give it a glowing review. I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone.

I feel that I have FINALLY found an under-eye treatment that actually delivers what it promises. I thought I would give it a try because it was not too expensive (certainly when compared to all of the expensive creams and treatments out there), and it has a money-back guarantee. So while looking around *again* for something for my under-eye bags, which always make me appear tired even when I'm not, I thought I'd give this product a try. And I am SO glad I have discovered it!

I should mention that in the past I have tried assorted eye creams and lotions for general eye treatment and 'repair,' as well as chilled eye 'gels' specifically designed for under-eye puffiness. I haven't found any noticeable effects on my under-eye area with these treatments.

With Sudden Change, I simply place a dab of it under about a third of my eye, closest to the top of the bridge of my nose, and within about 20-30 seconds I can feel it tighten my skin as it dries. I can *feel* it working. And once it has dried (maybe 45 seconds total), the difference in the look of my eyes is amazing. I find that it lasts for hours, and I've tried re-applying the serum a little (i.e., touching up) to see what the effect might be, and I see that it works to re-firm the area again.

What more could anyone want? This product simply works great for me. It makes me look as refreshed and rested as I like to feel.

I strongly recommend this product to anyone who needs to firm up the under-eye area.

Price (reviewer paid)
approx $7.00 + S/H

Where to find it
在药店可以买到是不是就是SHOPPERS DRUG MART可以买啊??? 是属于一种药吗?? 还是要在美容品的柜台买呢???
我也用origin的那个眼膜,感觉也没什么用,后来一个sales告诉我,那个眼膜是给平时没有眼袋偶尔浮肿的人用的,他给我介绍了一个eye treatment说是给有眼袋的人用的
最初由 **Secret Girl** 发布
在药店可以买到是不是就是SHOPPERS DRUG MART可以买啊??? 是属于一种药吗?? 还是要在美容品的柜台买呢???
最初由 在太阳上装糊涂 发布
我也用origin的那个眼膜,感觉也没什么用,后来一个sales告诉我,那个眼膜是给平时没有眼袋偶尔浮肿的人用的,他给我介绍了一个eye treatment说是给有眼袋的人用的
I found "Sudden Change" in SHOPPERS DRUG MART yesterday.

eye gel with green tea: CAD$12.99
under-eye firming serum: CAD$16.99