否极泰来 海到尽头天是岸 山至高处人为峰 VIP 注册 2002-07-22 消息 1,906 荣誉分数 38 声望点数 158 2005-04-14 #2 最初由 super7 发布 我怎么能算出来2000多???!不可能把 点击展开... 也就几百块吧。你肯定算错了,再仔细瞧瞧。
A appleapple158 新手上路 注册 2005-04-11 消息 22 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-04-14 #5 对,留学生退的多是房租税,如果一年的房租大概是$3000左右就可以退$430左右的税~因为我就是退了这么多~呵呵~
L leesque 知名会员 注册 2002-09-23 消息 41 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 116 2005-04-15 #6 If you're international student, you should talk to your International Student House officer, since there's an agreement between Canada and China to return all the tax paid with purchase while you live here? Your officer should know this better.
If you're international student, you should talk to your International Student House officer, since there's an agreement between Canada and China to return all the tax paid with purchase while you live here? Your officer should know this better.
bello Moderator 管理成员 VIP 注册 2004-04-16 消息 2,557 荣誉分数 369 声望点数 263 2005-04-15 #7 must be wrong, redo it