Seeking volunteers for IT new immigrants recruitment and retention study


I have been asked to pass this message to anyone who is interested to participating in a research project aims to study recruitment and retention of new immigrants in the IT Sector.

The discussion meeting is going to be held on April 27 at Ottawa Talent Initiative in Kanata. If you are interested in participating in this reserach project, please contact

Mary Trainor
Tel: 254-9914 ext. 233
Address: 359 Terry Fox Drive (at Legget Dr.)
Suite 210
Ottawa, Ontario


Dear Participant,

Thank you very much for volunteering for this research project. I'd like to give you some background on the focus group you will be participating in.

My organization, the Canadian Career Development Foundation, was recently hired by the Software Human Resources Council to do a study on the recruitment and retention of new immigrants in the IT Sector.

We have been asked to identify two most effective means, resources, information and tools for reaching new immigrants with career awareness information on the IT industry.

We will be conducting two focus groups with new immigrants (ideally anywhere up to 5 years in Canada, but could stretch to about 8 years). We will discuss with participants the barriers and issues in employment/careers in the IT sector; the strengths and weaknesses of strategies that have attempted to address your career needs; and the effectiveness of tools and resources in recruitment.

We may be asking about such things as workplace culture, necessary supports for working in IT, and what would be considered the roots of success for a career in the industry.

We are happy to have you as a participant in one of two focus groups:
1. NEW IMMIGRANTS who are UNEMPLOYED and seeking work in IT (out of work or a student ready to enter the work force)
2. NEW IMMIGRANTS who are EMPLOYED in IT or have left IT and now work in another field of work

Our focus groups would be approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes with refreshments provided. Location will be at the Ottawa Talent Initiative on April 27. The time is yet to be determined. We will send the questions to you ahead of time so you can think about your personal perspective on them.

If you have any questions, please contact Elaine O'Reilly at 729-6164 ext. 202,

Thank you very much,


Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF)
The Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF) is a charitable foundation committed to advancing the understanding and practice of career development. Established in 1979, CCDF actively works on projects that strengthen and support the career development profession as well as improve access for Canadians to quality career services. For over two decades, the Foundation has actively supported excellence and innovation in career development.
202-119 Ross Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 06N

The Software Human Resource Council (SHRC) is a not-for-profit sector council, working with industry, education, associations and government to address employment issues that affect information technology workers at all points of their career paths, in all sectors of the Canadian economy.
Software Human Resource Council
30 Metcalfe Street
Suite 400
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 5L4
Telephone: (613) 237-8551
Fax: (613) 230-3490

The Ottawa Talent Initiative is a grass roots organization composed of unemployed talent and community stake-holders working together to create positive change for unemployed and underemployed technology workers in the Ottawa Area. OTI is a not-for-profit organization sponsored by private and public funding and gifts in kind.
Phone: (613) 254-9914
Fax: (613) 254-9965
For those whom have the time, please try to participate, as this may help to develop effective programs to support new immigrants for IT employment.