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加速家庭团聚个案 放宽学生就业管制
加国无忧 2005年04月18日,来源:星岛日报

联邦自由党政府希望精简入籍的申请,并且令到移民更为容许申请父母及祖父母来加拿大团聚。 消息来源称,移民部长胡平藻(Joe Volpe)亦正计划放宽对来自外地的学院及大学的学生的就业管制,让他们在留加期间更易找寻工作。

















Ottawa to speed immigration process
Last Updated Mon, 18 Apr 2005 08:42:09 EDT
CBC News

OTTAWA - Citizenship and Immigration Minister Joe Volpe is expected to announce a plan Monday to quicken the pace of the application process for immigrants who want to settle in Canada.

Part of the $72-million plan is aimed at helping those who want to sponsor their parents or grandparents, a process that immigration lawyers say can take between five and 10 years because there is a backlog of about 100,000 cases.

Citizenship and Immigration Minister Joe Volpe (file photo).
Key aspects of the immigration plan, according to various media reports:

A tripling in the number of parents and grandparents accepted over the next two years, bringing the total to 18,000 a year.
A change to allow international students to work and gain Canadian experience while they are being trained in this country.
Incentives to encourage new Canadians to settle outside major metropolitan centres like Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal.
More money to clear a growing backlog of citizenship applications.
The changes do not need legislative approval and could take place immediately, giving the Liberals some campaign momentum with immigrant communities should their minority government fall this spring or summer.

Volpe was expected to announce the immigration plan in Brampton, Ont., on Monday morning, accompanied by MPs from other Toronto-area ridings that are home to significant numbers of new Canadians.

Big backlogs causing hardship

Immigration lawyer Michael Greene says there should be a public debate over solving the backlogs in bringing family members to Canada, which are causing severe hardship for new immigrants.

"I do think that Canadian family values are there and that it's a motherhood and apple pie issue ? and in this case, literally a motherhood issue," he said.

Harbinder Gill, who moved to Calgary from the Indian state of Punjab seven years ago, says the delay is taking a heavy toll on him.

"I drive stressed, I go to work stressed, I'm always stressed, I stay home stressed," he said. "I'm always thinking about my mother and sisters."

His father died after Gill arrived in Canada, but every day he waits for some news about whether he'll be reunited with his aging mother and his sisters.

After five years of waiting, he is beginning to give up hope. If his family sponsorship application isn't approved in the next year, the 35-year-old says he'll move back to India.

"We find this across the country," said Calgary Conservative MP Lee Richardson of the frustration and despair felt by immigrants wanting their families nearby. "Upwards of 70 per cent of case work in our MPs' offices are immigration business.

"That's nuts. There's something wrong with the system."
Great News!

Glad to see the new policies came through. People have been waiting for these changes for so long, and now there is finally some light at the end of the tunnel.

I wish the government will walk the talk and be efficient.
With the joyful tears on the face, I realized that CIC finally will do something to fix the huge backlog it caused in the past two years. For many, it is a victory of human rights; it is a victory of the nature of human beings. However, two years have been wasted. Our parents are still apart with their lovely sons and daughters and no where to know exactly how many years they have to wait. Will they become the winner when they have to take competition with time? Can they still bear the brutal separation for another two years? I asked myself again and again. It is truly that something is shining at the end of the tunnel; however, we still have long way to go before this little shining become the joyful reunification. Keep fighting, guys. Our parents need us; we are the only hope of our parents.



最初由 support 发布
With the joyful tears on the face, I realized that CIC finally will do something to fix the huge backlog it caused in the past two years. For many, it is a victory of human rights; it is a victory of the nature of human beings. However, two years have been wasted. Our parents are still apart with their lovely sons and daughters and no where to know exactly how many years they have to wait. Will they become the winner when they have to take competition with time? Can they still bear the brutal separation for another two years? I asked myself again and again. It is truly that something is shining at the end of the tunnel; however, we still have long way to go before this little shining become the joyful reunification. Keep fighting, guys. Our parents need us; we are the only hope of our parents.
最初由 liberal fish 发布
no vote for Liberal
at least that is my idea
最初由 胖蹄阿克 发布

和示威当然有关系, 但是关系更大的是要到来的选举. 否则就为这么一帮移民, 他们才不会这么热心呢.

For Immediate Release

Sponsor Your Parents Demand Immediate Action on Parental Sponsorship Backlog

TORONTO, April 18, 2005 ?Sponsor Your Parents was supportive of Immigration Minister Joe Volpe? press release today, where he stated that parental class sponsorships will be increased, but remains highly critical of the government? lack of action.

?hile it is a positive development to see that Minister Volpe has finally admitted to the serious backlog of over 100,000 parental sponsorship applications, contrary to his comments in the House of Commons last February, the government must immediately implement a strict timeline on solving a backlog issue that they authored?says Sponsor your Parents Director Kalen Liang. ?hildren miss their parents? Liang says.

?ven with the new quotas announced today, in light of the current backlog it will still take over six years for me to see my mother? says Sponsor Your Parents Founder Eugenia Yahknin. ?he government could have easily solved this problem months and months ago, but Minister Volpe remains unwilling to meet with our organization to discuss this backlog crisis. The Minister must clarify immediately how he plans to bring our parents to Canada in the near term, or immigrants will remain nervous that he is only offering pie in the sky?

Michael Mostyn, Conservative Candidate of Record for York-Centre, hopes that the Liberals have not already squandered the millions of dollars in application fees taken from Canadian immigrants. ?his is yet another Liberal sponsorship scandal? Mostyn says. ? certainly hope that the Liberals have not placed these fees into general revenues. Where is all the money? I would estimate that the Liberals have taken in tens of millions more in deposits than they are prepared to spend. The Liberals have either been swindling Canadian immigrants by skimming off the top of this program, or they are refusing to allocate the funds necessary to clear up this Liberal-made backlog?

Immigrants to Canada must pay non-refundable fees starting at $500 per parent to have the government consider their parents immigration applications. Sponsor Your Parents has urged the government to remove the application backlog for parental sponsorship applications, and this plea remains unanswered.

The Liberal government has recently created this same problem that it is now seeking to solve. Even after tripling the quotas from 6,000 to 18,000, these numbers are still below 2003 levels, and do not appear relevant to solving the current backlog crisis.

For further information see www.sponsoryourparents.ca.