


我从去年秋天开始申请OU数学系的Master program,在这个还没有结束的过程中,碰到了一系列的让人气愤的事情。我已尽力去维护自己的利益,不过个人力量单薄,想在这个论坛上,汲取大家的智慧。

我现在是国际学生,正在McMaster University读Master degree,今年暑假毕业。为了和女友团聚,我于去年申请了OU的数学系。因为在我所研究的领域,有一个非常出色的professor在这个系。我在 McMaster读的是物理系,毕竟物理和数学还是有很多差异,我就准备再从Master program开始读。

数学系负责招生的是他们的副系主任,俄罗斯裔。在去年10月到12月期间,和一直向他请教有关addmission scholarship和GPA的事情。结合数学系主页上看到的信息,对于国际学生,给addmission 需要GPA 7.5以上,推荐addmission scholarship需要8.5以上,但通常需要在9.0以上。不过,对于在8.5到9.0之间,可能会免掉国际学生学费的差额。

我于去年11月底交了申请材料。我估算过我的GPA,国内本科+McMaster的成绩,应该在9.0左右。用这个副系主任的话来说,我至少会得到addmission scholarship的提名。

但是今年1月,我竟然得到通知,说是我没有得到提名。我写信问这个副主任,他回答说,他觉得我不打算申请这个scholarship. 在此之前,我是曾说过,即使没有scholarship我也会去。但这两个意思是完全不一样的。我的原话说得很简单,不可能引起这样误解。


在他告诉我8.48的GPA之后,我强烈表示不相信这里个结果。要求他重算。他表示,我的GPA绝对不会有任何计算错误(human error)。


三周之前,我的材料到了FGPS(相当于研究生院吧),上周一我请FGPS里面管scholarship人重算GPA,当时算完,真正的结果应该是9.25. 而且这人告诉我,我的材料上原来写的是8.5而不是8.48。

我马上告诉我的老板。我老板也很生气。他要求那个副系主任给Dean of graduate studies写信,让他给我至少免掉国际学生部分的学费。但一周下来还没有消息。也不清楚那个副系主任有没有写信给Dean of graduate studies。

上面是事情的大致经过。从这个副系主任在1月告诉我没有拿到scholarship开始,我就开始怀疑他是否有个人的动机。在我强烈表示对8.48的 GPA不满的时候,他告诉我申请者里面前5名的分数"9.8, 9.5, 9.2,9.14 and 8.8",而后他又进一步解释,这个8.8分的申请者,就是他的来自俄罗斯的学生。虽然,这个学生不大可能拿到scholarship,但免掉国际学生差额是没有问题的。也就是说,我和他的学生存在竞争。以我9.25的GPA拿scholarship是不成问题。(前3名都可以拿到)而问题就是,原来的第 3,4名就势必要和他的学生竞争国际学生差额的waiver了。





但是,我老板的现在的态度,让我不太放心。很可能,这个副系主任以前已经对我老板耍过花招。现在,我老板要求副系主任自己写信给Dean of Graduate studies, 在这其中,副系主任是有很多文章可以做的。
I think your professor is very smart by asking the associate dean to write a letter to the dean of faculty and explains the all things.

By doing so, your professor is giving him a chance to correct his mistakes (if there is any). Also your professor is sending him a message that someone is watching, you better to retify all the wrongdoings (if there is any). This is the best approach becasue there is no solid evidence to back your claims. Also, neither your professor nor you will get directly into conflict with the associate dean; you and your professor will face this associate dean on a daily basis if your are admitted into the OU, and direct conflict is not a wise choice.

Given the fact that there is no solid evidence about your assumption, I think you made a good choice of not to raise this issue; however, you should keep pressing on the fact that your GPA has been miscalculted, and you want OU to correct their record and re-evaulate your application based on the new GPA.
They have already corrected my score. And the put me in a long waiting list for the addmission scholarship.

I am really disappointed with this system. However my boss is trying to get part of my tuition fee waived and apply SAD scholarship for me.

Thanks a lot.

最初由 keen_observer 发布
I think your professor is very smart by asking the associate dean to write a letter to the dean of faculty and explains the all things.

By doing so, your professor is giving him a chance to correct his mistakes (if there is any). Also your professor is sending him a message that someone is watching, you better to retify all the wrongdoings (if there is any). This is the best approach becasue there is no solid evidence to back your claims. Also, neither your professor nor you will get directly into conflict with the associate dean; you and your professor will face this associate dean on a daily basis if your are admitted into the OU, and direct conflict is not a wise choice.

Given the fact that there is no solid evidence about your assumption, I think you made a good choice of not to raise this issue; however, you should keep pressing on the fact that your GPA has been miscalculted, and you want OU to correct their record and re-evaulate your application based on the new GPA.