[寻找] 买房律师


要买房了, 想找一位律师, 请问那位中国人的律师更好些. 谢谢回答.
You don't necessariely need a chinese lawyer. I was using Anderson Zheng when I was buying my first house. I heard that she charges her Chinese customers much more than her Canadian customers. So I used Francis when I was buying my second house last year. He is so good and charges much less.

You may contact his office directly. Here is the contact info:
Francis & Associates
1390 Clyde Ave, Nepean, Ontario
Phone: (613) 226-1011

最初由 草鱼 发布
要买房了, 想找一位律师, 请问那位中国人的律师更好些. 谢谢回答.
最初由 aruba 发布
You don't necessariely need a chinese lawyer. I was using Anderson Zheng when I was buying my first house. I heard that she charges her Chinese customers much more than her Canadian customers. So I used Francis when I was buying my second house last year. He is so good and charges much less.

Sounds like racism.

Anderson Zheng just one of Chinese. How can you say that? You know what actually?
You'd better ask someone who knows her.
最初由 DanceWithWolf 发布

Sounds like racism.

Anderson Zheng just one of Chinese. How can you say that? You know what actually?
You'd better ask someone who knows her.

最初由 草鱼 发布
要买房了, 想找一位律师, 请问那位中国人的律师更好些. 谢谢回答.
我用过王政, 价格合理没滥收费啊, 而且她很认真, 告诉很多其他律师懒得解释的事情.
最初由 开喜 发布
我用过王政, 价格合理没滥收费啊, 而且她很认真, 告诉很多其他律师懒得解释的事情.

Everyone have the rights to make mistake. If anyone does not believe the other people's saying, try Zheng Wang first and let us know the experience. We will all appreciate the story.
最初由 DanceWithWolf 发布

Sounds like racism.

Anderson Zheng just one of Chinese. How can you say that? You know what actually?
You'd better ask someone who knows her.

I don't know your logic at all. Let me ask you, what's the relationship between "she is one of Chinese" and what I said? If I understood you correctly, I shouldn't expose my experience because she is Chinese.

What do you mean by "knows her" here? Kowning her personally, privately or what? I don't want and need to know her in those aspects. I only know her from business prospect. That's all.

Sounds like you know her quit personally. want to share?
最初由 aruba 发布

I don't know your logic at all. Let me ask you, what's the relationship between "she is one of Chinese" and what I said? If I understood you correctly, I shouldn't expose my experience because she is Chinese.

What do you mean by "knows her" here? Kowning her personally, privately or what? I don't want and need to know her in those aspects. I only know her from business prospect. That's all.

Sounds like you know her quit personally. want to share?
If you talk about LOGIC, I bet you anything.
I am not sure if you totally understood what I tried to say. I tell you the truth - I don't like her either, and don't use her service either.
However, I wont say what you said. Your comments will easily cause bias in chinese group, which will damage other chinese professionals' reputation. Right?
Actually, in my experience, there are a few chinese lawyers who are pretty nice in Ottawa, like Edward Zhang, Christopher Chen(spelling wrongly?).
I am not that kind of person who sticks around Internet, so I wont reply anything about his topic.