一树梨花压海棠 ☆☆☆☆☆ 注册 2005-05-01 消息 1,925 荣誉分数 221 声望点数 173 2005-05-20 #1 记得去年快入冬时(10月份吧?)打过一次。请问春季有没有预防针打?
嘀 嘀嘀叭叭wuuu 新手上路 注册 2004-05-04 消息 132 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-05-20 #3 最初由 iori98 发布 不用吧,打多也会感冒... 点击展开... 应该是:打一次,感冒一次
一树梨花压海棠 ☆☆☆☆☆ 注册 2005-05-01 消息 1,925 荣誉分数 221 声望点数 173 2005-05-20 #4 那个针很管用的,自从来到加拿大,就没有感冒过。 以前在中国,感冒是经常的。
A anti-virus 知名会员 注册 2005-02-01 消息 575 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 128 2005-05-21 #6 最初由 Marvin 发布 打多了对身体不好,如果年龄不是太大或太小,最好别打 点击展开... the flu shot is especially benificial to the olderly and young. This is why when there was a shortage of flu shot in the US last year, all the flu shots were reserved for old people and infants.
最初由 Marvin 发布 打多了对身体不好,如果年龄不是太大或太小,最好别打 点击展开... the flu shot is especially benificial to the olderly and young. This is why when there was a shortage of flu shot in the US last year, all the flu shots were reserved for old people and infants.