

我朋友的孩子(在中国)同时申请了Queen's 和Cu 的Engineering 专业,但是不知道哪所学校的这各专业更好些.我在网上查了一下,似乎Cu这个专业的排名比Queen's 的好,但Queen's 的名气比Cu大. 哪位有经验的朋友可否给一些建议?谢谢.
The key is if your child is better than others or not.
My roommate is a native Canadian who tell me Queen's is better.
you should also consider Ottwawa vs. Kingston.
sometimes after campus life is equally important.
Queens is WAY better in its reputation. When he graduates and tries to find a job, the reputation of the university is more important. Nobody in U.S. knows anything about CU, but lots of them have heard about Queens.
undergraduate: queen's is much better
graduate: hard to say, depends on supervisor
最初由 楚歌 发布
Queens is WAY better in its reputation. When he graduates and tries to find a job, the reputation of the university is more important. Nobody in U.S. knows anything about CU, but lots of them have heard about Queens.

really? but I know CU has very good reputation in sillicon valley
Definitely Queen's.
CU is good at Journalism and political science.

Undergraduate may not make too much difference.
最初由 gdntfrank 发布

really? but I know CU has very good reputation in sillicon valley
In Sillicon Valley if you say CU they might think it as California State University. But the problam arises when they look at your diploma or transcript...
最初由 楚歌 发布

In Sillicon Valley if you say CU they might think it as California State University. But the problam arises when they look at your diploma or transcript...

you must be kidding. carleton is famous in sillicon valley
more than thousands of graduates work there.
and 90% of the new graduates hired by Nortel last year is from CU
no need to deny the popularity of CU graduates in the industry.
although the university itself sucks
一般来说,名校要求也高,毕业也不容易。教授更tough, 学苗更好,竞争更激烈,淘汰率更高。
