new house painting


这里有人在搬进新房子之前painting new house吗?
It is a lot better to paint your house BEFORE moving in, saves a lot of effort moving the furnitures around. I regret not having done that when we first moved in. The problem with us was that we didn't have a lot of furnitures, so we didn't really know what colors to paint.
最初由 渐渐 发布
It is a lot better to paint your house BEFORE moving in, saves a lot of effort moving the furnitures around. I regret not having done that when we first moved in. The problem with us was that we didn't have a lot of furnitures, so we didn't really know what colors to paint.

Thanks for sharing your experience!
It is better to paint later. The builder will still send contractors to you house to do left over jobs and furniture delivery you will buy after you move in may cuase the wall damage as well.
最初由 ate-star 发布
这里有人在搬进新房子之前painting new house吗?
I diagree, a simple touchup would easily fix scratches. Oh another suggestion, when you do paint, make sure to SAVE the brand/names of colors used so that you would be able to find it later if you need to touchup. Another tip is that you could hire an interior designer to come to your house and give suggestions based on your furnitures and your preference. You'll normally get a discount from the paints so that you'll be able to recover the consultation fee. This is yet another thing I regret not having done.
最初由 渐渐 发布
I diagree, a simple touchup would easily fix scratches. Oh another suggestion, when you do paint, make sure to SAVE the brand/names of colors used so that you would be able to find it later if you need to touchup. Another tip is that you could hire an interior designer to come to your house and give suggestions based on your furnitures and your preference. You'll normally get a discount from the paints so that you'll be able to recover the consultation fee. This is yet another thing I regret not having done.

disagree your disagree...after one year, you will have lots of nail pops on the wall (we got 20-30 somehting), so why bother to paint the house right after moving in yah...
I only had one nail pop, and it popped AFTER I painted my house. :)
Good point. 渐渐 is not ALWAYS right :D and in my case I can paint quiet easily even I moved in since most rooms are empty...:blowzy:
最初由 小傻 发布

disagree your disagree...after one year, you will have lots of nail pops on the wall (we got 20-30 somehting), so why bother to paint the house right after moving in yah...
最初由 渐渐 发布
I only had one nail pop, and it popped AFTER I painted my house. :)

Did you use microscopy to check the flatness of your walls? :blink:
Not suggested for a brand new house... the paint should be done after one-year inspection...
support 渐渐, I had our house (2600ft) painted professionally for only 1500$ more before moving in. I had got quotes for 3500-4000$ from several companies for painting in a furnished house.
BTW, I only had 0 nail pop, 20-30 is really scary.
It is not necessary to wait after one-year inspection. For us, we did not even bother to file a 30-day or one-year claim after inspections.
I am the newbee for the house... but that is what I read from the TARION website..
Come on, just paint the GD house, live a life! The TARION covers defects, you can paint whatever you want. How long will you be there? Maybe next year you get fired, it's your home, enjoy your life there. A can of grade A paint costs you $50, 50 nail pops, sure, two hour's job, yeah? Go ahead, just paint it!

Congratulations on the purchase of your new home!
小傻: No I didn't use a microscope, I used my eyes. Here goes my theory: if I can't see the defects with my naked eyes, they probably won't really matter to me anyway. :)

wuming_ott: Who said I'm always right? Is that an assumption you made on your own? Do you know the difference between an opinion and a fact? I provided my opinions and my opinions only, listen or discard, it's completely up to each individual.

波波斯基茶壶: I should have my house professional painted before moving in as well. I've already spent nearly $1000 just in paints and painting supplies.