This is a very night for writing ,so I did it I’ve felt a little sad since that night because of the lost
Imagining sky you never gave me any despair though you are so different from my imagination I was astounded when we come close and close to each other my discovery of your virtues makes me disurbing ,I’m afraid that you wouldn’t willingly make a poor spirit as priend .that is why I’m not impatient to see you maybe you’ll say:”don’t say that anymore needless to say I’ll glad to hear that .sometimes I think I would rather make a real “p.e friend not like you but please make no mistake of my meaning I’m so glad to learn you.
I was thrown intoa dream last night ,in the dreamland I felt the body sinking to a jungle with no border the misty jungle seems so dim and eccentric that I had lost my way the only pestered me is trees and all I can hear is the sound of steps .out of breath did I keep running till the end of the dream I’m intensely cousicious that I would rather choose fleeing than to conquer myself
Surely no one discovers a way to success by chance a try dedicated searcher for it must have patience and above all he must cherish the hope that one day he will be amply newarded but I could not muster up courage to pace the reality it has been said that human being is punished in term of living in the world ,in the light of this statement ,no noe can be free from the thousands of anxieties which afflict the other people so can’t I .we are all in a big fancy dress party ,wearing sorts of costumes I must try my best to recongnize others and hide myself .there are times when I find out some one ,I find out some one I forget where I ‘ve hidden perhaps the same to anyone but what so earth parts do we cast ?the hard I try to get rid of the thinking labyrinth the deeply I indulge in it .so finding a simple way of life is the outlet that I’ve been seeking
Someone said :young is your assets as it’s intangible property ,we after waste it without taking any attention .since the time goes by I’m getting older an older not only the body but also the heart maybe life means sacrifice for example I share my life with the people who I love ,and that is to say my life belongs to serval people induding me I don’t have the right to conteot the life because I’ve to sacrifice up to most of it for sharing with others .when I masnage to go about development the loved people are happy to see it ,I’m surely know there is no back way for my returning.and what I can do is stumbling further and further
Once I think ,I’m a seagull at large flying above the sea ,enjoying the extraordinary sight of blue sea that stretch out before me while the sun shines brilliantly in a clear sky and the wind whispers up I go and up I go…see how a silly fool mumbling
My thinking dislocates now thought I’m reluctand to stop.there is a poem in story bird sit still ,my heat do not raise your dust .let the world find its way to you to make each day count!
Imagining sky you never gave me any despair though you are so different from my imagination I was astounded when we come close and close to each other my discovery of your virtues makes me disurbing ,I’m afraid that you wouldn’t willingly make a poor spirit as priend .that is why I’m not impatient to see you maybe you’ll say:”don’t say that anymore needless to say I’ll glad to hear that .sometimes I think I would rather make a real “p.e friend not like you but please make no mistake of my meaning I’m so glad to learn you.
I was thrown intoa dream last night ,in the dreamland I felt the body sinking to a jungle with no border the misty jungle seems so dim and eccentric that I had lost my way the only pestered me is trees and all I can hear is the sound of steps .out of breath did I keep running till the end of the dream I’m intensely cousicious that I would rather choose fleeing than to conquer myself
Surely no one discovers a way to success by chance a try dedicated searcher for it must have patience and above all he must cherish the hope that one day he will be amply newarded but I could not muster up courage to pace the reality it has been said that human being is punished in term of living in the world ,in the light of this statement ,no noe can be free from the thousands of anxieties which afflict the other people so can’t I .we are all in a big fancy dress party ,wearing sorts of costumes I must try my best to recongnize others and hide myself .there are times when I find out some one ,I find out some one I forget where I ‘ve hidden perhaps the same to anyone but what so earth parts do we cast ?the hard I try to get rid of the thinking labyrinth the deeply I indulge in it .so finding a simple way of life is the outlet that I’ve been seeking
Someone said :young is your assets as it’s intangible property ,we after waste it without taking any attention .since the time goes by I’m getting older an older not only the body but also the heart maybe life means sacrifice for example I share my life with the people who I love ,and that is to say my life belongs to serval people induding me I don’t have the right to conteot the life because I’ve to sacrifice up to most of it for sharing with others .when I masnage to go about development the loved people are happy to see it ,I’m surely know there is no back way for my returning.and what I can do is stumbling further and further
Once I think ,I’m a seagull at large flying above the sea ,enjoying the extraordinary sight of blue sea that stretch out before me while the sun shines brilliantly in a clear sky and the wind whispers up I go and up I go…see how a silly fool mumbling
My thinking dislocates now thought I’m reluctand to stop.there is a poem in story bird sit still ,my heat do not raise your dust .let the world find its way to you to make each day count!