A anti-virus 知名会员 注册 2005-02-01 消息 575 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 128 2005-05-29 #2 最初由 prjia 发布 用什么方式将邮包寄往中国最便宜? 这里的邮局有"海运"服务吗? 谢谢. 点击展开... 海运 = send by "surface". Go to Canada post and send your packages by surface.
最初由 prjia 发布 用什么方式将邮包寄往中国最便宜? 这里的邮局有"海运"服务吗? 谢谢. 点击展开... 海运 = send by "surface". Go to Canada post and send your packages by surface.
P prjia 新手上路 注册 2003-07-17 消息 255 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-05-29 #3 Re: Re: 邮寄问题 Thanks a lot. 最初由 anti-virus 发布 海运 = send by "surface". Go to Canada post and send your packages by surface. 点击展开...
Re: Re: 邮寄问题 Thanks a lot. 最初由 anti-virus 发布 海运 = send by "surface". Go to Canada post and send your packages by surface. 点击展开...