Oh, Canada!

New Miss Canada is 23 years old. She was born in Russia in small coastal town and moved to Toronto with her parents when she was 12. Ever since, she adores Canada, a country which became her new home. Natalie is working as a model and studies Information Technology Management and Marketing at Ryerson University.
前几年还只是评Miss World呢,现在都是Miss Universe啦。
最初由 泛蓝 发布
前几年还只是评Miss World呢,现在都是Miss Universe啦。
Miss World ans Miss Universe are 2 different beauty contest, and both have existed for many many years. Miss Universe seems to be more popular.
This is the best picture of Miss Canada
She 's very pretty.

But the pictures, so so
俄罗斯女人漂亮 加拿大只是移花接木罢了 